Chapter 7 : Overwhelming Phases Of Feelings

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The unruly box of paperwork was quickly turned back into the Hokage, freeing Temari's mind and hands of the trouble.

The pair wondered aimlessly through the village to its local businesses.

Temari suspiciously eyed the new shop they were passing. The store was kindled with distinctive colorfully molded lights suspended from the ceiling on display for purchase. Beautiful painted china and intriguing diminutive knickknacks that cluttered the shelves inside peeked her interest.

"Do you wanna go in?", Shikamaru observed the obviously engrossed girl.

Temari levelled her curious posture of sloping over to get a better look at the fillings of the shop through the window. She flattened her shirt pulling it downwards by its ends, "No. it's fine."

Shikamaru rolled his eyes at the unmistakable message. She desired to go in. He strolled in first with her following behind, still intrigued by the colors that loomed above them in the store.

It was a traditional antique shop. Tall wooden shelfs lined themselves equally through the building, holding delicate items that scattered the surface of each ledge. Temari straggled behind Shikamaru, who looked very uninterested at all the pointless junk, but her eyes grew big in wonderment pushing past his typical male mood. Everything was so unique, so old, having its own history to it.

She ran her fingers gracefully against porcelain objects as she passed them, feeling their shine. Pausing occasionally to twist dusty music boxes to hear their metal clinks of tunes.

She gaped up at a long wall she approached that was paraded neatly with hand held folding fans. They were all covered in glorious landscapes, some highlighting more of a certain color than others. There was a peach colored sky, looming with pastel yellows hinting at its brightness. One with light blues and purples, with birds filing freely in the sky. There was another with a scorching sunset of reds, deep oranges, and golden yellows, showing off a lake that mirrored its reflection.

Shikamaru idly made himself known from his position behind her, "I like that one.", He pointed lifelessly towards a black lined fan that was more mellow toned than the rest. It was a painted forest with ever green trees taking over most the background. An alert deer picking its head up in interest towards the viewer, as it stood in medium length grass. There was a darkened river flowing to the side of the landscape. Leaves were painted to flow through the sky from the wind implied. The sunset in the background was met with pastel blues and dark shades of watery black ink. There were spotted patterns of murky, white clouds floating in the atmosphere.

It was darker than the rest of them. The rest were full of vibrant natures, perking anyone's manner up, but Shikamaru wasn't one for overwhelming attitudes. He enjoyed the tranquility it designated. He smirked to himself, it reminded him if the Nara complex.

"Me too. Kind of reminds me of you and your clan.", Temari divulged, grabbing it off the wall.

'Did she just read my mind?'

She gave him one of her once-in-a-blue-moon-smiles that made his heart melt each time. He hoped he was the only one who ever got to see it.

"I'm going to get it.", She confirmed folding the hand held fan into itself. She turned her body to reach for her pouch looking for her wallet.

Shikamaru placed a hand on hers that was grabbing for her bag, "I got it.", He shrugged and walked to the counter.

She moved before him when they approached the shop keeper, staging the fan on the counter.

She was presented with a chestnut-brown haired boy with a sunny cheesy smile. His teeth where vividly white as ever. He obviously cared a little too much about his appearance. His brown locks were slicked neatly out of his face, and he wore a button up shirt with a baby blue tie to match his eyes.

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