Chapter 4 : Not So Troublesome After all

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They approached two wide, glass doors that concealed the entrance to Temari's hotel. Shikamaru took ahold of the cold, silver metal bar attached to the door. He opened the door politely, signifying for Temari to enter first. Even with the random politeness that came over Shikamaru, it wasn't enough to stop the events that followed.

Temari was enraged with blistering fury after speaking to the hotel manager when there was a struggle to check into her room.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GAVE MY ROOM TO SOMEONE ELSE?!", Temari roared, causing the building to tremble.

She placed her hand behind her. Reaching for her iron combat fan that was bigger than her, in attempt to make the hotel crumble into brush. Shikamaru reacted fast, grabbing her hand to hold it tight in his before she could even graze her fingertips on her fan. He was not going to let her have the likelihood to slip out of his grasp. If her hand even brushed her fan, the events that followed after would most likely result in her getting kicked out of the village for good.

He knew she was serious, you don't mess with Temari of the Sand. She was hot-headed most of the time, and pushing her temper past her usual tolerance was a death wish. Even Shikamaru knew not to go that far. She had the ego the size of mars, but she lived up to it. Even in the great Fourth Shinobi War, she held her own confidently and led her team into victory. There was no way this hotel stood a chance if they wanted to go down the path of her infuriating wrath.

"I-I am sorry, Ma'am.", The manager's voice quivered with fear overwhelming his body, "A gentleman came in from a gambling trip and offered us a larger amount to stay here. Your room was the last to offer...", the manager treaded lightly, trying to spare his life, while also telling her politely she had to go somewhere else... even though there was nowhere else...

Shikamaru's eyes grew wide at their current predicament. He has never been in a more frightening dilemma. He'd rather be in a real battle than deal with Temari's moods. She was going to snap in seconds if he didn't speak up and get her out of there.

"OKAY!", Shikamaru interrupted hastily and loudly, trying to break the tension after hearing the man's story. He had to try to save the manager from Temari's death glare, especially before it became anything more than a glare, "We will figure something out, have a nice night.", Shikamaru gave the man an uneasy smile with a sweat droplet sliding down his forehead. He placed two firm hands to attach tightly onto Temari's heated shoulder's, escorting her out of the nice hotel before she started tearing it down piece by piece.

Once he was thankfully able to get the fiery girl out of the doors of the hotel, she instantly exploded into rage. She flung his two hands roughly off of her shoulders and spun around to face him, "How could they do that! This is legit the only hotel in Konoha, and they just gave my room away! AND YOU!", she pointed a furious finger straight in Shikamaru's face, who in turn was leaning away from her murderous finger with two hands up in defense, "YOU didn't even stand up for me! Just taking the nuisance of a woman out of the building, huh? You never care about anything!", She dropped her angry finger and protested away from him; starting her infuriating journey to walk the streets of the village in attempt to find a place to stay.

Before she could storm off too far, her hand was seized by Shikamaru's, abruptly pulling her back towards him, "Oh no you don't, come on.", He initiated his pursuit to take her to the other side of the village.

"Where are you taking me, Nara?", she grouchily fought. She was not enjoying him yanking her by the wrist.

"Stop being troublesome and follow.", he affirmed.

'This girl over reacted too much for his pay grade.', he thought, as he tugged the girl through the streets.

Temari jerked her hand away from his hold. She shoved her hands to her side in balled fist, "Stop calling me troublesome!", She shouted through the rush of cold air that surrounded the dull night. They were the only one on the streets at this time of night, but that didn't mean that people inside couldn't hear her.

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