Chapter 20 : Games

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Their walk into town was soundless. The world around them murmured in the background of their own minds. They didn't know what to say.

Temari was unsure of where she stood after their previous interactions. She knew she liked the boy she was on a date with, but she couldn't let go of her stubbornness.

He gave her everything she needed. He was sweet, even if he hid it. He was a gentleman, when he wasn't constantly nagging her. He was dedicated to everything he did. He put up with her attitude, and he understood her crazy wave of moods. What more could she ask for? She was becoming irritated with herself. It seemed like she never let herself have good things.

The two stood in the darkened streets of Suna after arriving at their parting point. They couldn't meet each other's eyes. They yearned for more time together, more moments to share, but their racing minds wouldn't allow it.

Shikamaru was confused, contemplating everything within their relationship on their quiet walk. He was giving her time to figure out her feelings, and he was positive she liked him back. He was positive she enjoyed their time together the same way he did. He just couldn't figure out why she was being so reluctant all the time and pushing him away.

"It's getting late, I should get going.", Temari murmured, looking up.

He didn't want this to be the end of their night. Sure, he had tomorrow before he left, but that wasn't enough. He didn't want to end off how they did, especially if Temari was finally easing into her emotions for him, "Come over.", he proposed.

Temari was shocked at the straightforwardness of his offer, "W-What?", she stammered.

"Actually, no.", he corrected, swiftly grasping her hand like he liked to do, "You are coming over. We can watch movies in my hotel."

"Shikamaru, it's already late!", her hands started to sweat and she tried to pull away so he wouldn't notice.

Shikamaru only squeezed her hand with more pressure, continuing down his path of the splitting street, "Then stay the night.", he simply suggested, not glancing at her as he pulled her towards his hotel.

"I'd have to go all the way back to my place, which is the other way, to get clothes anyways.", she lamely fought, pointing behind her.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes though she couldn't see, "Just wear mine like you did before.", he continued with minimal effort. He knew if she really didn't want to go then she would make it clear.

"You know this could seem very indecent?", she confessed anxiously.

Shikamaru chuckled, glancing over his shoulder to her, "I'm just trying to spend time with you, troublesome. You're the only one making things weird."

She relaxed, allowing him to lead her with no more resistance.

When they reached his hotel, he finally let go of her wrist to rummage his key out of his pack and wiggled it into the door.

She stood motionless at the entrance of his hotel room with her hands folded into each other. She watched him intently, not wanting to disturb the pattern he had.

He walked into his neat hotel room that had one queen sized bed, a desk, and a bathroom. He unclipped his pack, tossing it onto the desk, then shrugged off his green vest to place it neatly on the back of the desk chair, "Are you going to be like this all night?", he broke his routine, eyeing her from across the room.

Temari scowled at his outburst, "What do you expect? You just lugged me through the village into your hotel room and told me I'm staying the night apparently!"

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