Chapter 6 : It's Hard Work Being A Genius

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It was 5 am. Her usual routine rolled into play, taking over her like she was a robot. Her eyes opened slowly, then a stretch immediately followed. The blanket that showered her in warmth and comfort all night was carefully peeled off in hopes not to wake the straggly boy who shared the bed with her.

She found her way out the door of the bedroom, turning her head back to make sure Shikamaru was still asleep, 'I'll let him sleep while I get ready.', she considered to herself and headed to the bathroom.

Her head squeezed through the neck hole of her new change of clothes. With four tugs, her hair was in its signature four-piece pony tails. She wet her tooth brush and ran over the bristles with a minty paste, bringing it to her mouth.

She carried on with her thorough morning routine. Once she was refreshed and completed, she opened the door, ramming into a bear chested boy.

They both made a synchronized "Oof" sound on impact.

She followed her view up his toned body, meeting his scruffy face.

"Nara.", She greeted blandly, trying to hide her embarrassed emotions from just ramming into the half-naked boy.

"Troublesome.", he hoarsely groaned with a yawn to their little game.

Temari walked back to his room as he headed into the bathroom, "Guess I didn't have to wake you up after all, lazy ass.", She sneered as she walked away.

"It's too early for your ego.", he joshed as he shut the bathroom door.

Temari chuckled to herself, continuing on with her separate morning routine.


Temari was welcomed after her meeting with the Hokage by her typical unmotivated boy leaning against the wall outside of the Hokage's door.

"How'd it go?", he questioned, picking himself off the wall unenthusiastically.

She huffed, blowing her bangs to flop out of her face, "You'd think that the Hokage's would be big, powerful, shinobi that had everything together, but they're literally big babies that need a sitter."

He knew that all too well with how much he did for Naruto. Naruto and Gaara were both amazing ninja, we know that fact, but when it comes to paperwork and planning, Shikamaru and Temari got the short end of the stick.

"I wish you were Hokage. At least you have some common sense in that huge forehead of yours.", she half complimented with a scowling tone.

"Did... did you just compliment me?", he peered to the side where she was walking next to him. Not daring to fully look at her, but attempting to catch a glimpse of an answer. He was shocked at the semi-compliment.

"Psh, whatever. Then again, you'd probably call it 'too troublesome' as you rest your filthy feet on the desk, and I'd still have loads of paperwork to do.", She groaned, holding a box that consumed papers for her to correct and sign before she could leave to Suna.

"Being Hokage is troublesome, I can barely handle my job as assistant. It would be a drag to be the real deal.", he added to his usual uninterested attitude.

His complaining reminded Temari that they had the same job. They both were the highest intellect of their respective villages. They were needed. They wanted to be needed. They worked hard for their spots, but man we're they relied on way too much.

Temari let the silence build, as she pondered on all her stresses. Looking down at the unappealing box in her hands with a gross look.

"Come on, you need a de-stressor.", Shikamaru lamely offered. Throwing his hands in his pockets, he guided her away from the Hokage building.

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