Chapter 11 : An Almost Girl Free Night

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A weighty, uninvited arm collapsed over his shoulder. He was jerked into the side of the larger, blonde boy firmly. He met the culprit who was smiling widely with a cheeky grin.

"Finally, a night out Shikamaru!", Naruto blasted into the boy's ear loudly. The whole gang was eager. They had nights like these often, but their time together was slowly fading away with how busy everyone's lives were starting to become. Growing up together was the easy part, but keeping the bonds strong with everyone was the hard part. They had jobs, more missions, more things to keep up with now that they have entered adult hood.

Shikamaru swayed with the guy's enthusiasm pulling him. Naruto was definitely going to get drunk easily, and Shikamaru knew he was most likely going to be the one assigned to the Hokage's aid.

Shikamaru's posture slumped, 'Man, what a drag. I'm starting to dread my decision to go out with these guys already.', he mentally nagged to himself, as the group dragged him to the closest bar.

He hadn't been out with the guys for a while now. His activities of cloud watching, dozing off, and his job in general had left him with little motivation or time to enjoy nights like these recently.

Watching his light weight friends take on the challenge of drinking and failing miserably then making poor life decisions was truly one of his favorite things to watch. Sometimes he would join in on the shenanigans, it was one outlet where he could loosen up from his stinginess and not take the full blame for.

So why wasn't he excited?

Shikamaru frowned to himself, what was wrong with him? He felt like he left his keys at home, or the stove on; He felt like something was missing. He turned to look back over the guys arm that clung onto his shoulders to the girls departing behind him. He was met with two distressed eyes from the beauty walking away. He offered an awkward smile in support to the girl walking out of site, she returned it before giving her undivided attention to the group of girls for the rest of the night. His smile didn't fade, only sliding from awkward into an admiring one, as he turned back to his own group. He'd hope she'd have fun, but he knew Temari. While she enjoyed the girls of Konoha and his friends, she wasn't one for girly talks, girly activities, or girly things in general.

If anything, he probably should have made an excuse to get her out of there. Who knew? She might have a fun time. Then again.... maybe... he might be nice enough to check in later to see if she is begging for an excuse to leave. He would have to give her a chance first, so that plan wouldn't come into action until the very end of his own night. He should have fun, and enjoy his time. It wasn't like they were together, and needed to be with each other every waking moment. Some time alone could be good, except she only showed up for a week out of the month and even then, they never knew when or what week that would be. Time when she came was messy, and usually revolved around work. Any small moment he got to share with her was time he enjoyed.

He openly saddened while Lee took his chance to call out the boy, "Shikamaru, please! It is a night of fun, do not sulk! You will regret wasting your springtime of youth.", Lee firmed, in his always enthusiastic tone.

"He does look like he is sulking, that is probably because he is away from Temari.", Shino said lowly through the shirt that covered his mouth, and followed it with a casual shrug.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at the random confrontation from Shino, "Because of Temari?", he quizzed mildly. Why was everyone so engulfed with the subject of the two of them?

"Yeah, dude. We get you two are inseparable, but lighten up. You can be whipped when youre married. It's guys night out!", Kiba protested, as he charged into the bar doors excitedly.

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