four | goodnight n go

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Imani was the first one to wake up the next morning. It was around noon when she finally untangled herself from Jade's arms and looked around the room. Jade was sprawled over the bed as she hogged up the blanket. The boys were all tangled up on the air mattress. Jasper and Drew's hair were a mess and Sir was drooling in his sleep. She almost wanted to laugh out loud but decided against it so that her friends could get a few more minutes of sleep.

She got out of bed and padded lightly across the floor before making her way to the bathroom and doing her morning routine.

After about twenty minutes, Imani was almost done. She was in the middle of rinsing her face when Sir popped up behind her in the mirror, scaring her half to death.

"Bro! You scared the shit outta me!" She slapped his shoulder before drying off her face with a towel.

Sir chuckled. "That was sort of the point."

"And why the hell are you up so early?"

"I wanted to go back to my room and do my business before anyone else woke up." Imani nodded. She started to moisturize her face when Sir spoke up again.

"I'm starving, can we wake them up already!" Sir whined as he walked out the bathroom door.

Drew, Jasper and Jade didn't even move at the sound of Sir's loud ass voice in the morning. They were completely knocked out and Imani wondered how the hell they were going to wake them up.

She turned to Sir with a slick smile on her lips and he returned it. And in the next instant Imani was jumping on Jade and Sir was doing the same to the boys.

"Jade! Jade! Getcha lazy ass up!" Imani screamed in the poor girl's ear. Jade took the pillow Imani used to sleep and hit her in the face before using it to block out her voice.

"Imani, I love you but I will strangle you if you don't get the fuck off me." Jade grumbled.

Imani laughed and continued to jump on Jade. After being friends for so many years, she knew that her threats were nothing but empty. Drew and Jasper stirred in their sleep under Sir's crushing weight. Drew rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly as he sat up, running a hand through his messy bed head. Jasper pushed Sir off the both of them, annoyed that he was awakened out of his wonderful dream.

"Why are you yelling?" Jasper yelled at Imani, throwing a pillow at her.

It hit her in the face, successfully knocking her off of Jade. Imani laughed and attempted to throw the pillow back at Jasper but hit Drew instead. He simply laughed it off.

"Yea, and why are you so energetic in the morning?" Drew asked.

Imani made her way over to him. "Because I'm starving and the dining hall stops serving breakfast at 2 so let's move it slow pokes!"

She grabbed onto Drew's hand and lifted him to his feet, ignoring the spark that traveled up her arms as she did so. He groaned as he stretched before stepping closer to Imani.

"For you? Aye aye, Captain." He winked at her, a lazy smile on his lips. And with that, he disappeared into the bathroom.

Imani laughed at his retreating form before helping to arrange the room a bit while everyone got ready for the day.

And once everyone was ready and dressed, the group made their way across campus.

When they finally got to the crowded dining hall, they had to search for about ten minutes before they found a table that had enough seats for all of them.

"Damn, everyone and they momma here!" Sir mumbled angrily, squeezing himself in the small booth beside Jade.

"No bullshit! I know this place is usually packed but damn!" Imani grumbled too. There was barely any edible food and on top of that she was squeezed between both Jasper and Drew. I should've just stayed my ass at the dorm.

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