ten | drunk on you

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"Let's go out today!" Jade clapped excitedly from her seat.

It was the week before spring break and the gang was hanging out in Drew's dorm. It had been a slow day; the girls were playing with Drew's video games and the guys were cheering them on as they competed against each other. Jade was getting bored and needed something else to do, desperately.

"And where would we go?" Sir raised a brow at her. Jade paused the game and turned to face the guys who sat on the couch.

"It's a Saturday. We're college students. There has to be some kind of party going on."

"I'm with Jade. We should have some fun!" Imani wrapped her arms around Jade's shoulder.

Drew snickered. "Of course you are."  Imani aimed her controller at Drew, which he caught with ease. He stuck out his tongue at her.

"Guys!" Jade groaned, "This is the last time we'll see each other."

"Yea, for a week." Jasper rolled his eyes. Jade could be really dramatic when she wanted to be.

She glared at him. "Okay and? Believe it or not, I'm going to actually miss you bitches." She pouted.

"Aww, ya love us." Drew cooed.

The group laughed at Jade and Imani played with her cheeks like an old grandmother. They watched as Jade's pale cheeks turned bright red. Jade slapped Imani's hands away from her face and laughed.

"So? What do you guys say?"

And so the group made their way to the first party they could find. It was a Chaz party, of course. When he opened the door, he had a huge grin on his face.

"Guys! It's been a minute! We missed you the last time." He opened the door wider and allowed them to walk through.

It was the usual. There were people drinking and smoking. There was a strong stench of alcohol and sweat as the group moved around the big house. The majority of people were on the dance floor; people were grinding against one another and having fun.

Jade snaked her arm around Imani's shoulder and pulled her to the kitchen, the boys following close behind. When they got there, Chaz handed each of them a drink and told the group to let him know if they needed anything before he disappeared into the crowd.

Jade turned to look at Imani as she eyed the cup in her hands. Imani knew she was a lightweight and that she wasn't' the easiest person to care of when drunk but she still wanted a sip. You're only young once, right?

Imani turned to Jade. "Please! I promise I won't get too drunk." She smiled innocently.

Jade was a sucker for her doe eyes and pouty lips. She turned to the guys for help. They all looked at each other before giving Jade a look of approval. Jade was fine letting her drink this time; she was there and the guys were too if anyone wanted to try some funny shit.

She groaned. "Fine! But only a little bit. If you start throwing up, that's on you." Jade said even though she knew that she would be the one to care for Imani if it really came down to it.

Imani smiled, hugging her and jumping up and down. "Thank you! Thank you!"

She drank the alcohol in her cup, wincing as it burned down her throat. And soon that burning sensation turned into a fuzzy feeling in her stomach. She felt warm all over and she liked the feeling. Drew watched as she looked around the party, taking more sips every now and then. After a couple minutes, he grabbed her cup before she could finish the whole thing.

"That's enough for you, sweetheart." He looked down at Imani. She was already drunk. Her dark skin looked flushed as she looked up at him. Drew watched her lips curved into a pout. She was such an adorable drunk.

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