twelve | trust

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Half an hour later, Drew found himself sitting in a park not too far from his mother's house.

He ignored the stares from strangers who passed by him as he sat on the bench, his head between his hands. He had been sitting there for a while wondering what the hell he had done to make his mother hate him so much. Why couldn't she find it in her heart to love him? Was he not worthy of love?

Drew sighed deeply as he looked towards the sky, trying to keep his tears at bay. He hated how his mother could still affect his emotions, even when he tried to convince himself otherwise. He closed his eyes and stayed like that for a couple minutes until he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He took it out and smiled weakly. If his life was going to shit, at least he had his friends to make him happy.

It was a text from Imani in the group chat. She was home alone and bored out of her mind. She wanted someone to come and visit her. Drew sighed and dialed her number. He needed a distraction and Imani was just the girl to make him forget what a shit day he was having.

She picked after the first ring.

"Drew! What's up? You missed me, didn't you?" Drew could almost hear her smirk through the phone.

He laughed. "Something like that. What's your address? I'm coming over."

Imani squealed through the phone and gave Drew her address before saying, "Make sure to text to me when you get here."

And ten minutes later, Drew was close to Imani's neighborhood. He had no idea that she had lived this close to his mother's house. How could he? Up until now he had avoided her at all cost and chose to live with his dad who lived on the other side of the city. He felt stupid; Imani was right under his nose the entire time and he didn't even know.

As Drew walked through the neighborhood, he shoved his hands in his pockets, ignoring the smirks and stares he got from some of Imani's neighbors. Most of them were curious, wondering what the hell a white boy was doing there and who he was going to visit. He disregarded the snickers and gossip that flowed around him and instead tried to calm the burning blush creeping up his neck.

When he finally got to her doorstep, he gave the door two solid knocks before it opened widely, revealing a smiling Imani. She was dressed in some pajamas pants, a long graphic tee, and her braids were flowing down her back; the way Drew loved them. He couldn't help but stare at her as she flashed her pearly whites at him.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in?" Imani said jokingly, slowly closing the door on him.

Drew slipped through, making sure to lock it behind him. He didn't want her to notice the states that burned at his back before she opened the door and he sure as hell didn't want anyone to see her looking so adorable. He quickly took off his shoes before stepping in front of her with a smile.

Imani looked up at Drew and did a double take. She hadn't noticed the dried up blood on the side of his cheek. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. "What the hell is that?"

Drew felt the side of his face and flinched. He almost forgot about the cut. "It's nothing darlin'."

Imani huffed. "Like hell."

She grabbed onto his hand, led him to her living room and demanded that he sit on the couch and wait for her. Drew sat down and looked around. He smiled at the pictures on the walls of Imani when she was younger and the portraits of her and her parents. He even smiled at the photo of her parents' wedding day that hung in the entryway. It was a warm house filled with love- unlike Drew's. He envied her.

Imani came back with the first aid kit and sat on the couch beside him. "We have to stop meeting like this. Why are you always hurt when you come to me?" She moved closer to him and cupped his head. She pulled it closer to examine the cut.

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