eleven | better off

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Drew felt sick.

Like a stomach churning, slick mouth, bile raising, sweaty palms type of sick.

Spring break came quickly- much too quick for Drew's liking- and before he knew it, he was packed and standing in front of his mother's house.

Drew held on tightly to the strap of his bag as he tried to remember to breathe.

Her house still looked the same even after all these years. It was a big Victorian house, no doubt bought with his dad's money after the divorce. It was in a gated community; a quiet neighborhood where the neighborbors lived far enough to have their own space, but close enough to be in each other's business. Drew hated it.

He took a deep breath, walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

When his mother didn't open the door two minutes later, Drew was pissed. Strike one. It wasn't like he had begged his dad to let him stay with her; she was the one that wanted him there. The least she could do was open the door.

Drew grabbed his bags and turned around to leave but to his disappointment, the door swung open before he could make it down the first step.

"Andrew dear, you're early!"

He turned around to glare at his mom.

Elizabeth Stone used to be a caring, beautiful woman- before she became a gold digging manipulator. Her dark brown hair and blue eyes easily attracted any man, including Drew's father once upon a time. She had pretty pink lips and a perfect white smile. Drew used to think she was the prettiest woman in the world. He used to love being told he looked just like her.

He used to be a fool.

But as she stood in front of him- her hair a mess, her clothes disheveled, and her red lipstick all over the place- Drew couldn't help but look at her in disgust. It was clear that she had been preoccupied before he rang the doorbell.

"And clearly you weren't expecting me." He looked her up and down.

Her olive cheeks burned a bright pink as she straightened her shirt and fixed her hair. She pulled her lips into a smile before reaching for Drew's hand. "At least you're-"

"Don't touch me." Drew quickly pulled his hand back and pushed passed her into the house. He looked around the big entryway. From his spot near the door, he could see the beer bottles that laid on the living room table. He also noticed the unknown man walking down the spiral steps.

He was fixing his pants with a smirk on his face. His hair was a mess and his shirt was disheveled too. When he turned to look at Elizabeth, he noticed Drew's glare. The man gulped nervously and started to walk down the steps slowly. When he stood in front of the two, he avoided Drew's line of fire and turned to Elizabeth.

"Darling," He rubbed his neck awkwardly, "You never told me you were having company."

Elizabeth smiled at the man and kissed him on the cheek. She turned to Drew. "Grant, this is Drew, my son."

Grant held out his hand with a smile on his face, waiting for Drew to shake it. Instead, Drew eyed him and scoffed. This was supposed to be his mom's new boy toy? He laughed to himself. He knew his mother, sadly. The man would be gone by the end of the week.

"I'm going to my room." He pushed passed the two adults with his luggage in tow, climbing the steps two at a time until he reached his room. And when he did, he locked the door behind him and landed face first on the bed with a loud groan.

This is gonna be a long week.


"Andrew! Come down for brunch!" Elizabeth called out to him.

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