six | in my head

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"Wait, so let me get this straight. Drew's actually your childhood best friend?" Jade raised a brow as she laid comfortably on her bed. She watched as Imani paced the room.

"Yup. Can you believe it?" Imani huffed angrily just remembering how Drew kept the secret for so long.

It was a Monday afternoon and during this time Imani and Jade were usually taking their scheduled naps after a long morning full of classes. Instead, Imani filled Jade in on everything that had happened with Drew the day before.

Jade wasn't really surprised when she learned that Drew and Imani shared a past. She kind of suspected that there was history between the two. Especially because of the way Drew acted around Imani compared to anyone else. Finding out that Drew had known her before college just made sense.

"At least he told you though. Better late than never." Jade shrugged.

Imani looked at Jade with envy. She wished she was curled up underneath her blankets. Instead, she was fully dressed, her phone in her hand as she waited for a text from either Drew or Jasper. They had made plans earlier in the day to meet up at the library to study for an incoming chemistry test.

She sat on her bed. "Yea, I guess. I was just so shocked though. Who would've thought that he'd turn out to be my best friend?" Imani shook her head.

She felt a pillow hit the side of her face, making her laugh as she fell off the bed.

"Ex-best friend, loser. I'm still alive." Jade glared at her. Imani smiled widely at Jade before jumping on her and hugging her. Jade groaned under Imani's weight.

"Of course. No one could ever replace you." She placed a loud kiss on Jade's cheek and laughed.

"Great, now get off me."

It was at that moment when Imani's phone pinged with a text. She picked up her phone from the floor and read the incoming message. It was from Drew.

we're here. 1st floor, all the way in the back.

She smiled at her phone. His texts were always so straightforward and to the point. He never bothered with greetings or anything extravagant whenever he texted. He probably thought it was a waste of time.

Imani packed her things into her bag quickly. She said her goodbyes to Jade before rushing out the door and making her way to the library.

When Imani finally arrived at the library, the door shut loudly behind her and everyone turned to look at her. Imani grinned sheepishly at the librarian who glared at her, quickly apologizing and walking to the back. She heard Drew's booming laughter. He was talking to Jasper about something and they were both clutching onto their stomachs as they doubled over in their booth.

Imani tried to ignore the lingering eyes she got as she approached the two. The others sitting in the back made sure to sit at a distance from Drew, whispering amongst each other. Some were intimidated by him. Others were confused as to what people like Jasper and Imani were doing sitting with a person like him. Imani was a goody two shoes and Jasper was friendly with everyone. What could those two possibly have in common with a drug dealing thug?

Imani felt the burning stares on her back and proceeded with a smile, keeping her eyes on Jasper and Drew. She wanted to hear what was being said but they stopped talking as soon as they noticed her. Drew and Jasper looked at Imani, a guilty expression on both of their faces.

She looked between the two red-faced boys, "What were y'all talking about? I wanna laugh too."

Drew and Jasper shared a look, a smile on both of their lips.

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