seven | what 2 do

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A week later Drew found himself sitting in his math lecture with Jade and Sir on either side of him. They were talking over the professor and laughing about God knows what.

He was trying to pay attention, jotting down notes as they appeared on the board. He tried his best to ignore Jade and Sir, he really did, but who could really ignore the two goofballs?

Jade nudged Drew with her shoulder, staring down at his notes. "I'm gonna need those when you're done."

Sir clasped his shoulder and added, "Yea, and Imma need those after her."

Drew laughed at them both before continuing to jot down the notes. Jade turned to listen to the professor for all of two seconds before turning back to the guys.

"Damn, my brain hurts." She groaned, "Can spring break come already? I'm tired of taking notes."

Drew snorted and raised a brow at her. "You're not even paying attention though."

Sir laughed and that earned Drew a smack upside the head from Jade who glared at both boys.

"Okay and? Why are you even in this class? I never thought of you as the type to actually pay attention and take notes, Pretty Boy."

Even though people often expected Drew to be a rough kind of guy who never attended class, he was actually quite the opposite. Sure, he wasn't exactly top of the class, but he also worked hard to get good grades. Just because people expected him to be a slacker didn't mean he actually had to live up to that stereotype.

"I need this class because I'm a business major. I wanna take over my old man's company one day." Drew smiled.

"Aww, that's actually pretty admirable. If you ever get rich, remember me." Jade patted Drew on the shoulder.

The teacher wrapped the class up and the trio couldn't get out of there fast enough. The guys decided to walk Jade to her next class since both of them were done for the day.

"Oh yea!" Jade turned to Drew, "Imani filled me in on you guys' past. She's still kind of pissed you didn't tell her sooner just so you know." She said.

Drew sighed and ran a hand across his face. "I've been apologizing to her for the past week! I thought she would've gotten over it by now." He laughed.

"Don't worry about it. She'll get over it soon enough." Jade assured him.

Sir was beyond confused about whatever the hell they were talking about. Drew had already met Imani before? And why was he the only one that didn't know?

He looked at Drew. "What history?"

And so, Jade and Drew spent the next five minutes explaining how Drew had known Imani since elementary and how he found her the day Jade asked for some weed. Sir was laughing by the end of the whole explanation.

"Yea, I could see why she was pissed, man. You really should've told her sooner."

Drew rolled his eyes. "Fuck off. I thought she wouldn't remember me. And if that had happened, it would've been embarrassing as fuck."

"True. But how did you know it was her when you saw her in our dorm?" Jade asked.

Drew felt a blush creep up his neck at the unexpected question. Fuck. It was embarrassing. How the hell do you tell someone that you remembered someone else based on a scent? Based on a feeling? He knew he was turning red.

"Um, I just knew. I remembered how she used to look when we were younger. She used to do her hair in the same braids, except she used to have beads at the end. She also smiled at me the same way when she opened the door." Drew smiled to himself as his eyes glossed over. Just thinking about Imani brought a warm feeling to his chest.

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