sixteen | pov

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Imani felt nervous.

Like an overthinking, slick mouth, sweaty palms, trembling hands type of nervous.

The weekend had come so quickly- much too quickly for Imani's liking- and before she knew it, it was the day Imani had decided to confess her feelings to Drew.

It was a Saturday, and like most Saturdays, the group was getting ready to go out. Jade and Imani were in the dorm, doing their makeup and picking out a cute outfit.

Or at least trying to.

Imani couldn't seem to get her hands to stop shaking. Or her heart to stop pounding out of her chest. Or stop the cold sweat forming on her forehead.

Needless to say, she was so fucking nervous.

"Damn, Imani! You're even making me anxious!" Jade yelled from her desk. She watched as Imani let out a loud groan and fell back on the pile of clothes growing on her bed.

"Sorry! I'm freaking the fuck out! I've never done this before." Imani rubbed her sweaty palms against the front of her pajama pants.

She had been avoiding Drew and had been talking herself up until this point, but now that it was the day, Imani wanted to back out so badly. Jade wouldn't let her though.

"It's normal to be nervous. Just breathe, what's the worst that could happen?" She heard Jade say.

Imani stared up at her ceiling. "Oh, I don't know. He could reject me or humiliate me and then things could be super awkward for the both of us. Or-"

"No!" Jade got up from her seat and grabbed Imani's hands, helping her sit up. She put her hands on Imani's shoulders and shook her. "You're not going to get in your head about this! You're smart and nice and beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you. So even if he rejects you, you're going to hold your pretty little head up and show him what the fuck he's missing."

A smile broke out on Imani's face as she looked at Jade. She was right. Imani had worked so hard to get to this point; the least she could was see this through. She was happy she had Jade by her side. It was times like these when she was grateful for the girl she called her best friend.

"I love you."

Jade smiled back, "Who wouldn't?" She flipped her hair over her shoulder, "Now get the fuck up and pick an outfit! The guys will be here any minute!"

And surely twenty minutes later, the girls received a message from Jasper in the cockblockers group chat letting them know the guys were waiting for them downstairs.

Imani took one last look at herself in the mirror, let out a deep breath, and was out the door with Jade.

When they made their way outside, all three guys looked up to greet the girls. Drew smiled as Imani walked closer to them. She looked beautiful as always. Her braids weren't in their usual style; instead they were in a high ponytail on the top of her head with a couple braids forming a swoop in front of her forehead. Drew liked it. He also liked the way her crop top showed off her gorgeous skin and the way her jeans accentuated her waist. He got up from his seat and walked closer to her.

Imani admired the way Drew's fitted black tee hung on his muscular chest and arms. His hair was tied back in a small bun, leaving a couple strands to fall over his eyes. He looked great- more than great actually. Imani was so busy gawking at him that she didn't even notice him moving closer to her. When he was finally in front of her, she felt a blush creep up her cheeks.


Imani looked down at her shoes. "Hey."

Drew noticed how she rubbed her hand against her arm and how she avoided his eyes. It was weird. And it left a bitter feeling in his chest. Why wouldn't she look at him? Did he do something wrong? He missed having her eyes on him.

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