fourteen | obvious

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It had been three weeks since the chaos in Drew's life went down and things were starting to look up for him. He was happier than he had been in such a long time.

Drew was going to therapy twice a week; his dad had pushed him and although he had rejected at first, venting his emotions to someone was something Drew never knew he needed.

His mother hadn't tried to contact him or his father. His friendships were as strong as ever. And much like the flowers blooming outside his dorm, his feelings for Imani were growing day by day.

It was ridiculous actually. Ever since the day he realized he loved her, Drew became even more attached to her. He was like a lost puppy. When she smiled at him, he felt his neck and cheeks heat up. When she laughed at his jokes, Drew told more just so he could hear that magical sound again. He even remembered every detail of her face at this point. He found himself constantly counting the birthmarks on her face; his favorite was the one on her nose. He committed her smile, voice and laugh to memory. Imani had Drew wrapped so tightly around her finger and she didn't even know it.

"Sir, what the fuck? At least let me get up!" Jasper yelled as he hit random buttons on his controller.

Sir laughed at him before finishing him off in the game. "Sorry, bro. It's not my fault you're moving slow as hell."

Drew had been trying to take his afternoon nap but was failing miserably due to the two other guys in his room. Sir and Jasper had dropped by earlier to hang out with him and play some video games on his game counsel, against Drew's wishes. He gave up trying to get rid of them an hour ago and instead laid on his bed with a pillow over his head. Those two were impossibly loud.

"Drew, play against me real quick." Jasper begged for the tenth time in thirty minutes.

"Why? You suck." Drew and Sir laughed at him.

"Shut up!" Jasper whined, "You know, if you guys keep disrespecting me, I'm going to take my company elsewhere assholes."

Drew sat up with a smile. "Really? The door is right there, don't let me stop ya."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes. Very much actually."

Sir laughed at the ongoing argument between his best friends before feeling his phone buzz in his pocket. He fished the phone out his pockets and his lips pulled into a wide smile at the text.

Jasper turned to his giddy friend. "Oh? And why the hell are you so happy?"

Sir responded to the text, completely ignoring Jasper. Drew smirked at him. "He's probably texting his new girl of the week."

"Are you ever going to stick with one girl?" Jasper shook his head.

Sir flipped them off without looking at either of them. "I'm young and having fun. Why should I settle when I can date everyone?"

"Dude, that's just sick." Jasper looked at him disapprovingly.

"Well it's the truth. I'm not gonna be whipped for no one just yet," Sir looked up and made eye contact with Drew, "Unlike a certain someone." He raised a knowing brow.

The blush that crept up Drew's neck was fierce. He thought he had been slick with hiding his emotions but the way Sir was looking at him let him know otherwise. It was laughable. Did he know? When did he find out? Drew started to rub the back of his neck in an attempt to calm himself down.

He held Sir's smirk with a strained smile. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, so you're just gonna deny the fact that you like Imani?"

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