three | friday

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When Drew walked into his chemistry lecture that Friday, he was surprised to see that not only was Imani smiling and waving at him frantically but that she had also saved him a seat right beside her. It made Drew smile and wave back too. It also made him climb the steps two at a time just to get to her faster.

"Hey!" She turned to him. Jasper was sitting on the other side of her and waved at Drew too. Drew nodded his head at him before turning to Imani.


And as the class went on, Drew found himself alternating between taking notes and being intoxicated by Imani's scent. She smelled so damn good all the time and it took everything in him to stop himself from leaning further into her.

She was staring straight ahead at the teacher, quickly jotting down notes while her braids fell over her shoulder. He wanted nothing more than to run his hands through them. Drew was so focused on her and didn't look away until she had caught him. She laughed and nudged his shoulder to get him to focus before returning back to her notes.

When the class finally came to an end, Imani jumped out of her seat. Jasper packed up his things and turned to her.

"Someone's excited for the weekend!"

Imani stretched and laughed, "Hell yeah! Since I don't have any homework, Imma catch up on some much needed beauty sleep."

Jasper stuck his tongue out at her teasingly. Imani turned to Drew while she packed up her things too. "What about you Drew? What are you doing this weekend?"

Drew shrugged and started to walk to the front of the class, the others trailing behind him. "Probably nothing unless people hit me up for some weed."

"Ugh, you guys are boring as hell." Jasper shook his head as they made their way to Imani's dorm.

They walked in silence until Imani turned to Drew. "Hey, give me your number." Imani said while holding her palm out for his phone.

Drew raised a brow seductively and smirked at her. "Oh, and why should I do that?"

"Fuck you!" Imani pushed at his chest while laughing, "We're friends now and we still don't have your number. Don't you think we should at least have some way to contact you?"

Drew jokingly pondered over what she said before handing her his phone. "You're right. But if you blow up my phone, you're getting blocked."

He knew he didn't mean that though. Imani could call him at any time of the day, blow up his phone for hours, and he would still answer her like some lost dog. But, she didn't need to know that.

Imani smiled as she saved her number in his phone. She couldn't help but notice that he only had a handful of saved contacts in his phone besides her's- the only one with a name was his dad's.

She glanced at Drew. Did he have any other friends besides her since he came to campus? He was fun to be around. And Imani couldn't deny that he was attractive as well. Why did he keep people at such a distance? Or were people avoiding him?

Imani shrugged it off before sending herself a smiley emoji and handing him back the phone. If he was willing to actually open up to her, she would accept him with open arms and befriend him too.

She saved his number to her phone and added him into a new group chat with Jade, Jasper, and Sir. Her friends liked him and he didn't seem to mind them either.

Imani sent a quick message to the group chat about the unknown number being Drew's. She laughed out loud when Jade changed the group chat name to cockdestroyers a second later. Of course, she would be the one to change it to something like that.

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