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"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Drew's dad looked at his son with unshed tears.

After Drew left Imani's house that day, he went straight to his dad's house. His dad was curious as to why Drew wasn't at his mother's. He knew that Drew didn't particularly like Elizabeth so he didn't think much of it. His dad let him in and didn't even notice the sad look on his son's face as he walked through the door.

Drew kept Imani's words in his heart and had spent the week slowly building up the courage to tell his dad about everything that had happened. He was worried his dad would be angry. Or that telling him would force him to confront the memories of his divorce. But Drew knew he couldn't keep this a secret anymore. He had to tell someone.

And so, on the last day of spring break, Drew finally cracked. He sat his dad down and told him everything. He told him about the abuse from his mother that started when he was younger. He told him about the bruises, the scratches, the blood; everything. And by the time he was done, Drew's voice was raw and his dad looked completely heartbroken.

"I didn't want to make things worse for you. You were going through the divorce and I didn't want to add to that. I thought I could handle it." Drew looked at his dad who sat down on the couch in front of him.

Drew's dad stood up and pulled his son closer, wrapping his arms tightly around him. Drew slowly returned the hug. He wasn't usually comfortable with people touching, especially hugging him, but in that moment, his dad needed him as much as he needed his dad. He felt his shirt become damp as his dad's tears fell onto his shoulder.

"You should've never gone through that. Even with everything that was going on. You shouldn't have felt like you had to carry everything on your shoulders. I'm here for you. I love you, son." His dad pulled him even closer.

"I love you too dad."

They stayed like that for a couple minutes, neither of them saying anything to each other and instead gaining comfort in the silence that surrounded them. Drew felt his cheeks get wet too as he heard his dad sniffle. He never realized how much he needed a hug from his dad until this moment.

Austin Stone felt like the worst father in the world. He was so angry with himself. How hadn't he noticed? Every time Drew came back from Elizabeth's house, he would lock himself in his room and avoid talking to his dad for at least two days. He would wear long sleeve shirts and wouldn't dare change in front of his dad. Even when he came back with a bandaid on his cheek earlier that week, Drew told him that it was because of a fall before locking himself up in his room. The signs were there. They were there the entire time and he didn't even notice.

He felt his blood become fire in his veins. He never thought Elizabeth could be so evil and heartless. Beating on their son? Austin scowled. He couldn't let her get away with it.

Drew pulled away from his dad and noticed the frown on his face.

"She's not going to get away with this." His dad said, grabbing his phone and dialing Elizabeth's number.

Drew was just as emotional as his dad but he didn't want him confronting her over the phone. Nothing would get accomplished; Elizabeth would just cry and ignore his father's words and his dad would just yell and cuss her out. He snatched the phone from his dad.

"Andrew, give it-"

"No dad. It's okay. I'm okay now. I just want to get my stuff from her house and move on." Drew set the phone on the table.

Austin eyed his son and sighed. "Fine, if that's what you want. But if she starts anything, I'm not holding my tongue." He huffed.

And so, Drew and his dad got in the car and made their way to his mother's house all the way on the other side of town. Drew felt nauseous during the ride. His palms were sweating and he was fidgeting in his seat. He didn't know how things were going to go between his parents. He didn't know if he could handle anymore yelling and fighting. He just wanted to get his things. In and out and then he would never have to see his mother again.

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