nine | off the table

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I need you.

Those three words rang through Imani's head as she frantically searched for her coat and shoes. She didn't even care that she was still in her pajamas. That she still had her bonnet on.

She knew something was wrong. She freaking knew it.

She had been worried all day and it was warranted. She only prayed that whatever had happened to Drew wasn't too serious. She didn't want to see someone she cared about hurt.

Jade could hear her shuffling and saw her clothes on the floor. She rubbed her eyes before staring at her frantic best friend. "What's going on?"

"It's Drew. Something happened and Imma go check on him."

Jade sat up as she slipped on her shoes and coat. As Imani approached the door, ready to leave, she heard Jade speak up.

"Be careful. Call me if anything happens."

"I will."

And with that, Imani left her dorm in a rush and ran until she reached the boy's dorm. She ignored the curious stares she got from the guys that lingered in the halls. She ignored some of the concerned looks she got from a few RAs. It was late and everyone couldn't help but wonder what the hell a girl was doing in their dorm at this time of the night?

As she approached Drew's dorm, she noticed the tiny specks of blood on the floor that led a trail to his room. It was clear that whatever had happened was way worse than she had thought. She followed the trail until it disappeared underneath Drew's door.

Imani banged on it, her heart hammering in her chest as seconds went by and he didn't open the door.

She continued to knock until the door opened, revealing a battered and bruised Drew. He looked terrible.

His lip was swollen and there was a giant bruise on his right cheek that probably felt worse than it looked. Imani had to remember to breathe.

"H-hey." Drew's attempt at a smile looked more like a grimace to Imani. She could tell that he was in pain. She could see the blood seeping through his shirt as he clutched his side. He leaned most of his weight against the door so he could stand. Imani also noticed the beads of sweat trickling down his face and neck.

She put the back of her hand against his forehead. He felt hot.

"You're burning up, Drew."

Drew swayed under her touch but before he could fall, Imani quickly wrapped an arm around his waist, letting him lean on her. He was a lot heavier than she had expected.

She walked Drew to his bed and gently laid him down, not wanting to hurt him any further. She took off her coat, went back to close the door and watched as Drew groaned while trying to position himself more comfortably on his bed.

Imani went over to him, helping him move further up on the bed and putting a pillow behind his head so that he could be more comfortable.

"Where's your first aid kit?" She asked.

"Underneath the bathroom counter."

Imani quickly grabbed it, arranging the rubbing alcohol, bandaids, and cotton balls on his nightstand so she had easy access to them. She avoided looking him in the eye, feeling tears prick her own. She asked Drew to lift his shirt up so she could look at his other injuries.

When she saw the large purplish bruise that bled on his side, she inhaled sharply. He also had a small bruise in the center of his stomach. Imani felt some bile run up her throat. She never did like the sight of blood.

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