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"Now introducing the graduating class of 2024's Biology majors!" The chancellor announced with a bright smile on her face.

Imani was lined up, waiting for her name to be called. From her spot near the stage, she could see her friends, family, and her adorable boyfriend, Drew. Imani smiled brightly and waved at them.

Drew and their friends were in the stands cheering on Imani. Their commencements had been earlier in the day and when they saw that Imani's was starting soon, they made their way across campus and joined her family. They sat through the long speeches and corny jokes until finally it was her time to walk across the stage.

Out of more than 400 kids in her major, Imani shone the brightest. She looked beautiful in her black and white robe and her hair was in those long braids that Drew still loved. He smirked; Drew knew underneath all that, she wore a black strapless dress that hugged her curves and made him drool. He still couldn't believe that he was blessed with such a gorgeous girlfriend.

People were cheering all around them as names were being called but Drew kept his eyes on Imani. She turned around and caught his eye, blowing a kiss at him which Drew pretended to catch. Imani waved and walked closer to the stage. She was about to be called.

"Imani Odo..."

Loud cheers filled the auditorium as she walked across the stage and shook hands with the chancellor and a couple professors on stage. Jasper, Jade, and Sir were screaming their heads off for her and Drew smiled at them. He got up from his seat and whistled before screaming, "YEA IMANI! THAT'S MY BABY!" He felt like such a proud boyfriend.

Imani felt her cheeks heat up at Drew. She was embarrassed but she laughed. She loved that boy to death. Imani headed back to her seat and turned towards her parents, waving her diploma back and forth excitedly. She was so happy as she looked down at it in her hands. Imani was proud of herself, her friends, and her boyfriend. They had worked so hard to get to this point and now that it was finally here, it almost felt bittersweet.

"You may now move your tassels to the left."

Imani stood up with a smile. Her classmates cheered around her as they threw their caps with pride. Friends cheered loudly, cried, and hugged one another. This was it.

"Congratulations class of 2024!"


Imani walked out of the auditorium trapped under the arms of a few of her classmates. They were telling jokes and sharing their plans for what they planned to do after college. Imani was in the middle of sharing her plans when she felt one of her friends elbow her, a smirk on their face.

Imani looked up and broke into a large grin. In front of her stood her beautiful boyfriend. Drew still had his robe on and his long hair was gelled back neatly with a couple strands falling over his brow. He looked sexy as hell as he smiled widely at Imani.

Her friends hugged her and said their goodbyes, leaving Drew and Imani alone on the sidewalk. He had a smirk on his face as he looked her up and down. Imani smiled and Drew opened up his arms for her, laughing as she dashed towards him.

Drew caught her and spun her around. "Babygirl, you did it! I'm so fucking proud of you!" He set her down gently on her feet while his arms remained around her waist.

"I'm proud of you too. We did it!" Imani smiled brightly at him. Drew cupped her face and started to pepper her face with kisses. He couldn't get enough of the adorable expression on his girlfriend's face.

Drew couldn't believe it. He had really graduated. He did it with his friends. With his family. With the love of his life by his side. He couldn't be more grateful.

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