Section Nine

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"Yo, what the fuck! That hurt." Charlotte started sucking on her thumb. Everyone was helping with places up a sturdy enough wall to give everyone a better sense of safety. I pulled a row of plywood towards me and Charlotte.

"Do you think this is enough?" I asked while pointing at it. Charlotte looked down. "Should be, I'll let you know if we need more." I couldn't really help, I had no idea what I was doing.

Taylor walked up to me, arms full of lose wood boards. I could see the struggle on her face. I rushed over and collected the woods from her arms and placed them down. I heard her sigh of relief. Her arms red from the pressure.

"What else do you need me to go get?" She asked, defeated.

"Nothing, I'll go get it, can you stay here and help Charlotte?"

"Yeah, I'll do that."

I knew she was struggling, so I took the task off her hands.

I walked over towards the pile of wood. I reached down and my hand collided with another. I snapped and looked up. I was met with a familiar set of honey eyes. "Kaitlyn?" The familiar voice asked. I was in shock.


Yeah, wow, what are you doing here?"

"I found this place."

"Wow, so did I."

"How did you get all the way over here?"

"Me and my sister started looking for refugee after everything happened, crazy isn't it?"

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"Well shit, it's cool as hell that you are here." He smiled at me.

He then grabbed a pile of wood, smiled, and walked off.

I gathered up my wood and walked back up towards Taylor and Charlotte.

Taylor was struggling to stretch up towards charlotte. I walked up and helped her reach.

The day seemed to get hotter and hotter. I was sweating bullets and the others doing the same. O'neil had us working like dogs all throughout the morning. Even Dr. Bowing was cutting wood. He just sat and watched us.

..Later that day

"Alright Everyone! Gather around, I have some news." Mr. O'neil called us to gather around him.

"I've seen the TV shows, movies and all that, we need designated groups that help this camp thrive. Last night me and Charlotte sat up all night assigning people into groups. I leave the paper here on this table." I slammed the paper down and nodded at us. Everyone trampled to look. It was almost like we were apart of a play. Me and taylor walked up to look. My name was dashed beside scavenger.

"Scavengers meet near the near entrance." I read quietly to myself.

"I'm a scavenger." Taylor said aloud.

No coincidence me and her ended up on the same team. We walked towards the rear entrance.

Me and her walked up to see three other people sitting and waiting. One was the female we ran into the other day. "Danica." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey guys!" She opened her arms to great me and Taylor both with bear hugs. "So you guys, are you both scavenger's too?" She asked. I nodded. Her eyes lit up. "Okay so, this is Dax." She pointed at a male figure who possessed short black hair and dark brown eyes. He nodded at us. "And this is Cameron." She gestured towards another male figure who had blonde hair and blue eyes. He got up. "Nice to meet you both." He shook our hands.

"So, are we supposed to go off and do something?" Dax asked.

"Charlotte is supposed to come by and let us know." Danica Responded.

I sat down on and log and started twirling my fingers. Minute's had past as everyone had engaged in conversations about what was going on in the world.

Charlotte walked up.

"Okay so you guys are the scaven-"

She was cut off.

"Hey! Hold on." I looked behind her.

Keenan was running up while holding his hand up.

"I'm really sorry, I over slept. My sister told me what was happening. I looked at my name and I was on the scavenger unit."

My heart pounded.

"oh well hello Keenan!" charlotte greated.

He grabbed at seat beside me.

"As I was saying, you guys are a part of the scavenging unit, meaning you are in charge of hunting and collecting food, any type of food." She said
"Your schedules are to hunt and collect every Friday, we need at least 100 pounds of food to feed everyone here."

She handed me a bag.

"Take this, you can put food in it." She joking saluted and walked off.

We all stood up.

"Wait, do they really expect us to go out there without a weapon of any sorts?" Cameron asked, concerned.

"You're right." I agreed and ran up to charlotte.

"Hey Charlotte, are we supposed to out there with weapons?" I asked

She turned around to look at me.

"This time, yes. The armory unit was already put to work on forming weapons, there's also apart of that unit on a side mission to find  weapons. We don't expect you six to go far, stay within close enough range you can still see camp. On this mission just search for nearby fruits, like berries. I didn't tell you over there cuz I felt like some would be upset but, O'neil has assigned you as Scavenger Unit leader. Fellow members must obey your command."

She smiled at me. Why did that seem like a big deal. I shrugged. I didn't have time to overthink it.

"Oh o-okay." I smiled back and walked back towards the group.

"What did you find out?" Asked Danica.

"She said that this mission isn't that big, we have to stay within range to where we still see camp, let's just search for berries or something similar."

All nodded.

"Oh, another thing, apparently I was assigned unit leader?" I questioned my own words.

I looked around too see if anyone was displeased. No one was.

We began our mission.

Me and taylor decided to team up and plunder through nearby bushes. Nothing.

Nothing was happening during the mission, the only exciting thing that happened was me and Taylor both yelping out in pain as we were struck with thorns.

After about and hour or so plundering, we headed back up towards the came to rest for the night.

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