Section Three

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I watched as Taylor scrubbed her skate board. She felt my gaze and looked up at me. "I'm gonna probably go skating after our hike, there's a park close by." She said. I nodded at her. Mercedes was passed out on the couch and Julia was nowhere to be seen. I'm guessing Mercedes was up all night arguing with her boyfriend. I heard the clanking of Taylor's skateboard hitting the floor, she let out a defeated sigh. "I'm ready to go if you are." She spoke. "Alright, just let me get my sneakers on." I said.

I galloped downstairs and was met with Taylor waiting at the door. She flashed Mercedes keys at me. I don't think she asked to use her car, however I still wanted to go. We both sneaked past the sleeping Mercedes and hopped into her car. Taylor cranked up the vehicle and drove off before I could put my seat belt on.

She plugged her phone up to the aux cord. She skipped a few songs before stopping on a punk pop song. she hardly ever talked during the ride there.

We pulled up at the national park and got out. The sun was scorching. It felt as if I was in the desert, lost. "You ready for this long as walk?" She asked. I gave a weak smile as I was slowly drowning in regret. I grabbed my hiking bag out of the back and began walking beside Taylor.

Halfway up the walk I was starting to pour sweat. Taylor, on the other hand, was completely dry. "You giving up red?" She asked. I was stunned. That was the first time someone called me red in years. "No no, I can make it." I wheezed. She laughed.

We finally reached the top after what felt like hours. We had a straight shot view over Los Angeles. Taylor took a deep breath in and sighed. "This air is so nice." She smiled.

I agreed.

"So how have you been these past few years?" She asked.

"I've been okay, working on school mostly."

"Understandable, how is your mom and dad?"

"They are doing okay, my mom stopped working after Emilie's Birth. They didn't think she was gonna make it."


Oh my God, you don't know this, about 6 years ago my mom gave birth to my little sister. She was an emergency birth. Unfortunately Emile has a hole in her heart and she has constant doctor's appointments."

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could meet her" she said

I smiled.

"Hey, uhm, I don't want this to seem rude but why have you started talking to me again? I thought you made an oath to yourself." I asked.

"That's not rude to ask, and are you talking about what I said when we were in 3rd grade?"

I nodded.

"Kaitlyn we were 9, I didn't fully understand the situation. It's been years and I've thought things through. I personally never thought speak again in our lifetime because we generally grew apart and was placed in two different social groups."

"Social groups?"

"Yeah, I saw who you talked too, the smart kids, quiet, book worm, academically elite."

"You described me too a tee, but what does our social groups have to do with anything?"

"After the incident I went to live with my aunt.  Shes very traditional so I had to be perfect at everything I did. I was not doing okay in school. Plus, with me being one of the only Asian American people there, people kept making jokes. when they found out I had to take special help classes for certain subjects, I was hit with even more racist comments. I wanted the bullying to stop so I couldn't allow myself to be friends with one of the so called 'smart' kids."

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