Unwelcome Guests

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Warning: Possibly Attempted Kidnapping? Plus with a slight panic attack, don't read if you get triggered by this!

I am so sorry for not posting! I've been suffering from bad headaches and writers block. This part isn't the longest but definitely important.

I quickly fell back, what the hell did I just see. Something was watching me. I quickly returned to my feet grabbing onto the window sill, I felt my eyes burning again as I quickly opened the window. I looked around the area before going to step out onto the small balcony outside.
As I felt the cold breeze, I held my jacket sleeve tighter standing on the balcony. I could see my own breath as I sighed, it was cold out. It was expected, it was probably like 4 am. I wanted to follow whatever that was. I had been so focused on it I hadn't noticed that my anxiety had spiked. I looked down at my hands, they were shaking.
I leaned against the balcony sitting down before my vision began to blur. God, I hated these, panic attacks are the worst. I held my shivering body as I gently rocked, trying to warm up as I waited for my vision to return. My mind was racing but the cold was distracting me from the freezing temperatures. Whoever the hell that was, I will find them.
I don't know how long it has been as my vision began to return, I was still shivering so stood and climbed back into my room. I closed the now fogging window, my skin was damp so it was probably near sunrise. No point in going to sleep now is there?
I sighed and sat against the wall, I really should close the curtains. I'm too tired to do that... My legs felt like jelly, I haven't exercised or anything of that sort but I was exhausted. My eyes were still glowing, but it had been dulled. I sighed and returned to my aching feet.
I walked over to my wall, I reached for the plug-in for my room that powered a small fan. As my hand brushed against the wall socket I felt a shock, it didn't hurt or anything it just made me feel more drained. I gave a frustrated sigh and looked down at my phone.
Standing up I moved my line of sight over to my dresser before walking over to it and putting a note down for my mother in the hope she would let me sleep.
I looked over at my bed, giving a very soft yawn before getting into my bed and getting comfortable. I am highly doubtful I'll be allowed to sleep in, either way, it won't matter all that much. I closed my eyes. I just wanted to sleep, that's all I cared for right now.

The next thing I knew I could hear footsteps coming into my room, they didn't sound like my mom's but they weren't heavy enough for my father's. I sat up on instinct watching the door once again. I didn't quite know what to do, as far as I was aware that wasn't someone I knew.
My mind was boggled but out of nowhere, I knew I needed to move. I got off my bed quickly and ran into my restroom, someone was trying to hurt me. I quickly closed the door locking it before I realized I didn't have my phone, Fuck I left it outside with them!
A woman's voice was audible through the door. "Our scout just saw the boy, he can't be gone yet." I put my hand over my mouth before I realized my eyes had started glowing again and covered them. I didn't wanna risk the light being seen through under the door.
I was starting to panic as I sat on the ground my eyes were getting fuzzy. The mixture of fear and exhaustion was horrible, a part of me wanted to just fall into a huddle and the rest of me wanted to run.
I started pleading with any form of deity to not let these people find me, I didn't want to do whatever the hell they wanted me for. My eyes bolted around the room trying to find something, literally anything! That I could use to defend myself.
Nothing, absolutely nothing! I can hear them moving around and pushing stuff about, so much for getting any sleep. I watched the door holding my breath as I observed. My eyes were still glowing but the strangers had turned on the light in my room, it hides the light from the bathroom.
"The sun is rising, we gotta leave." The woman's voice broke through the silence. I heard stuff being put down and returned, the light turned off and I quickly flinched to cover my eyes before they noticed. I heard the sound stop and it grew quiet. I saw a shadow in front of the door and heard a hand touch the door knob, before stomping entered earshot.
The people at the door quickly booked it away, I heard my window close before the door opened. "Virgil!" My dad's voice broke through the room. I got up and walked to the door opening it, I looked up at him and waved sheepishly.
"Hi dad, sorry I was..." I started before he stomped his foot down making me immediately shut up.
"Why are you causing so much ruckus at 4 am!" He called out. My eyes drifted to look at the ground, his voice was still raspy and you could smell old liquor in the air.
"Sorry, I fell and knocked a lot of stuff over. I had just finished fixing everything and gone to the bathroom when you came in." I told him as an excuse.
"That's not a good excuse Virgil!" His hand raised and I turned my head in order to get the least amount of pain from the blow. But it never came. I opened my eyes and looked in his direction, seeing that his hand had been put down.
I felt relieved I didn't wanna hide a face injury. He turned around and left my room without as much as a peep. I honestly was confused so Instead of waiting I started to search through everything. By 5 am, I had found a tiny camera hidden on my door knob, and another one on the ceiling above my bed.
I knew I was tired, but that wouldn't mean I couldn't go to school. If those fuckers go after me again I'm going to tell the others. It's the best course of action currently. I reached over to snag my phone, before remembering the theory about the government. I went to my desk and pulled out one or two stickers I had, one was Nightmare before Christmas and the other was P!ATD.
Putting them over my phone camera felt a little overkill but I don't wanna risk getting hurt without having someone aware of my location. I'll go somewhere after school today, I need to test out the whole charging my phone thing.
I'll admit this was the most paranoid choice, but i'd rather be safe than sorry. It was the most logical explanation for how they found out. If it wasn't due to that then it's possible they might have had a device that could track people like me. I would be all smart about it but, I'd rather not.
The growing negativity that's entering the atmosphere made me shudder as I looked down at my phone. I really hope they aren't tracking me.
I put my phone down and then looked over at the wall, I know i'm not getting any sleep. The paranoia and anxiety I already is intensified, the group of strangers will most definitely come again. I didn't get a look at them but they could probably spot me in a crowd, whoever they are...
I ran my fingers through my hair again looking over at the window again. I pushed on my head as I moved to lay on my stomach hugging and digging my head into my pillow. My mind was honestly running, but I'm so tired to the point I don't care.
I don't quite know when I passed out, but everything was black.


Word Count: 1.3k
Characters: Virgil, ???, Mr. Storm

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