I'm so sorry.

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So it's been a while. I mean. It'll be two years in a couple months.

It's me, I used to go by Puppy-Writer and now I'm Emo_Metronome. I don't exactly know what to say. I do not believe I will continue this considering I don't remember where I was when I started.

I started Born of Regret in my Freshman year of Highschool. As of today, June 19th, 2022, I'm currently going to be a Senior when the school year starts for the 2022-2023 class. I'm about to turn 17, July 14th, and started this when I was still 14.

I don't really remember anything I wrote, but I went through and read all of the comments. I honestly didn't expect people to enjoy this so much. I feel bad for discontinuing it, but I started it in October of my freshman year, 2019, and at the start of my Sophomore I didn't remember what I was doing. I feel bad. I really, really, do; but I can't continue it.

I don't want to continue this when it's been dead for years. I have no idea what my plan was. I could l always.. try and rewrite it..  but it might not be good.

I've been posting stuff on my Ao3 account since I made it. It's been fun and I will have to say none of it's been Sander Sides stuff. I kinda fell out of it after the one Thomas had animated during Covid. Not because I hated it, I love it. It was so pretty and I thought it was adorable, but I also had stressors and other things going on.

All three of my great grandmother's died. Two died of old age and the third passed of a stroke. I also moved and got Covid on my 16th birthday so I had a lot of stuff going on. I wouldn't mind trying again. A little last hurrah since I'm a senior now.

It would be kinda a full circle thing but I can't say you'll all like it. I might not do it, but I will consider it and I wouldn't mind so suggestions or how you feel about it.

If you'd like, I can upload my Ao3 Mha stuff here. I don't know if everyone will like it but if even one person wants it, I'll do it.

To let you know I am sorry, have pictures of my cats.


And Pepper

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And Pepper

Sincerely,Emo_Metronome, Puppy-Writer

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Emo_Metronome, Puppy-Writer



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