A Nightly Message

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This Is A Very Short Chapter!!

Warning: Self Hate, Eating disorders, Body hate, I’m gonna shorten my warnings from now on. Please understand I'm pretty sure no one wants to read a paragraph of warnings.

    I watched my hand, “What the hell. . . I’m too tired for this..” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, I looked into the mirror. My body looks decent but personally I hated it, Patton called me his Dark Strange Son, when gym class started this year he called me buff. I don’t understand why he says that.
    Yes, I worked out every now and then but, It’s because of self defence classes. Patton on the other hand, he needs to eat more, he has a really skinny figure so he changes in bathroom stalls but, when he hugs us and when we have sleepovers, it’s a lot harder to hide.
    After my shower, I put on the t-shirt and shorts sitting on my bed. So the others didn’t notice my enhanced healing. I re-wrapped my hand before moving to my desk, grabbing an unused notebook from it. I sat down in my shitty desk chair.
    “Okay. . . I’m gonna keep track of this stuff, so I don’t forget anything.” I told myself as I opened it writing down some information.

Enhanced Healing
Eye’s Glow
Hyper Awareness?

That's all I could remember, being so tired and personally not in the mood for this. By now the sun had set, it was rather dark out and rain had begun to pour. I was tired but I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. As I moved to my window I hit the light switch turning that down.
I opened my window a small bit, sitting on the sill. Listening to the rain hit the roof and the window. My parents got the room with a balcony even though it's never used by them. I pushed my head against my knee just sitting there.
I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled it out of my pocket. It was after midnight the message was from Roman, My face felt a bit warm and my mood lifting. I opened the message.

Princey👑: You still up? Remus made a flamethrower out of a lighter and deodorant spray.

I chuckled at it, I’m not too surprised by what Remus did, he was chaotic evil after all.

Stormcloud⛈️: Oh, did he set your pants on fire?

I found my response clever, considering when we first met Roman had called me a liar. Using the whole, “Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire” thing from back when we were kids.
    Princey👑: Harhar, when are you gonna let that go?

    Stormcloud⛈️: Never, come on Princey. Dad’s better at that then me.

    Princey👑: Anyway, I was gonna have a better conversation with you but we have school tomorrow. Night you Build-a-Bear Reject.

    Stormcloud⛈️: Night Roman.

    After I answered I cracked my window, pulling myself off of the sill. My head hurt a little, not enough to need medicine. I had thrown my phone onto my bed, it almost being dead. I plugged my phone in before I put my hoodie onto my desk along with black ripped jeans and a dark purple long sleeve with a high neckline. Despite what emo’s are meant to wear I always hide color in my sock just for the kick of it.
    Also since I’m told to wear more color. I threw some red socks onto the other clothes, stretching before I collapsed in my bed. I pulled my big fluffy blankets over my cold body, the weight of my sleeplessness kicking in as my eyelids fluttered close. Finally falling asleep.


Word Count: 575
Characters: Virgil, Roman, Mrs. Storm, Remus

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