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Warning: This part involves bullying, a bit of blood, and mention of body shaming, near the end it mentions Eating disorders. If you are sensitive to this then please don’t read this chapter, or my story actually.


     Anyone who met Patton would expect him to be in art, but he’s not. Patton is great at drawing but he chooses to take Home Ec. I’ve known him the longest, not as long as Logan but he’s basically a little brother who constantly treats everyone like a younger sibling.
    As I sat in my seat my eyes wandered around the classroom. I loved all of the art work strung along the walls perfecting the softness of the area. Mr. Forlan was really kind, not as much as Thomas, but he's a close second. The class on the other hand was full of the snobs of our school. The people who enjoyed bringing pain to others, begging to watch as kids like me break down.
    I pulled my headphones off of my ears, retching into my bag to retrieve my sketchbook and return my electronics. I put the book in front of me, I looked back around the room, apon not seeing the Teacher, I felt something grab the back of my head. I put my hands up, grabbing at the wrist of my attacker.
    “Hey Emo~” Ryan’s voice broke through the air like smoke as our eyes met. I rolled my own as he tugged on my hair.
    “Can’t you give me like ten minutes for once?” I asked, still holding on to his wrist. My head was pounding, it felt as if he was pulling my brain from my skull.
    “You do get brakes, we only get our turn twice a day.” He said with a smirk before slamming my face into the table. I groaned as he returned me back up. I tasted some blood, “Fuck, I bit my tounge.”
    “Come on Virgil, where’s your fighting spirit? You gonna give up?” He asked, his words dipped in poison. I sighed not in the mood to deal with this shit, he made my headache worse along with enforcing the attention of the room onto us.
    “It’s up your ass.” I said with a smile, I didn’t care if he attempted to harm me again. I can take it.
    “There it is~” He said before forcing me onto my feet. I winced from the pulling on my head standing with him behind me. I was thankful for my jacket since it was zipped close he couldn't see my abdomen which meant no body shaming.
    “Now be quiet so Damien can punch you.” He said with a grim smile I turned my attention to the other harasser, rolling my eyes as he started to swing. They threw me back to my seat as the bell rang signaling the Teacher would be back soon.
    I held my bruising abdomen with a groan then sitting up with a sigh. I opened up my sketchbook quickly beginning on our bellringer. I felt the burning in my eyes, I closed them as a response crossing my arms so I could bury my face in them. The bellringer was a simple topic, so I had time to spare.
    “I can’t risk anyone noticing this… Not before I’ve figured it out.” As the pain on my stomach drained, I began to feel exhausted. Gym wasn’t gonna be fun today.
    Class continued rather well, it only took five minutes for the burning to stop. On top of that we had already started a project on Monday, today was the last day to work on it but since I was already done so I didn’t have to worry about it.
    I pulled my phone out of my bag, I wanted to check my abdomen but I didn’t wanna risk them seeing it. At least it would be easy to hide from Patton and Janus, whenever they found out about me getting hurt… It gets ugly.
    I pulled up messenger to see that Patton was asking what we thought we might be doing in P.E. next hour. I sent a shrug emoji in return adding to it.

    Stormcloud⛈️: I hope Dodgeball, I’m good at that game.
    I smiled knowing how I played the game before my phone vibrated.

    Rat Bi*ch🐉: You just let the balls hit you Virgin!

    Stormcloud⛈️: Exactly, best strategy ever.
    I could tell from the delay of another message Remus was laughing his ass off, he also sent a shit ton of emojis so that helps. I pulled up tumblr before I noticed the teacher walking in my direction. I looked over at him, he smiled at me. I felt a little nervous about his smile, he normally was pretty kind and his smirks gave everyone happiness but…
    This look just sent a chill down my spine, It’s almost halloween so he’s probably just goofing around. I could sense my own doubt about my decision, I’ll keep an eye out.
    I simply just scrolled through tumbler for the rest of the hour, I would get the occasional ball of paper thrown at me, normally with some insult scribbled inside, I’ve stopped even thinking about opening them.
    I took a few steps out of the class before I was forced into a hug, the smell of sugar filled the area only confirming my knowledge of who it was.
    “Hey Pop-Star.” I said with a smile, Patton looked up at me and let go.
    “I know you don’t like hugs, but I can’t help wanting to hug My Dark Strange Son!” He said practically bouncing, I nodded I was in a better mood I didn’t really mind.
    “Don’t worry about it Pat, we better hurry though the other’s don’t like us being late.” I told him as we began walking in the direction. A lot of the kids in our school loved Patton, I mean who couldn’t, but that also meant he got a lot of attention.
    Me, being the Introvert I am, wasn’t too fond of it. Every time we passed a Teacher he knew he’d yell out there name, give a little wave and then continue with what he was doing. I’m honestly surprised that he’s never late for class.
    As we made it into the Gym I sighed the moment I saw the other waiting for us. The one class we all had together, aka; the best and worst hour of the day.
    We stood in our own group and the other’s standing in theirs. We knew they wanted Roman to join them, he was a popular kid. On top of that super athletic, he played Basketball even though he seemed like a Football player.
    Class started up making me sigh before Janus took my injured hand again. “You gotta sit out Ve. With your hand like this you won’t be able to play today.” He said raising his other hand to get the teacher’s attention.
    I pulled my arm away and shook my head, before using my other hand to force his arm down. “I’ll be fine, as long as I just don’t use my hand. Plus I kinda wanna play today, at least wake myself up.”
    He nodded in response, I knew he didn’t agree with my choice but he couldn't really change my mind. Couch Erian took Roll Call and yelled at us to get into the changing room. We obliged and started to change.
    “Hey Logan, haven't spoke to you much today, how are you?” I asked as I removed my shirt and hoodie, Thank God I had some strange ass healing power.
    I watched as he looked over at me wearing a slight smile as he pulled off his tie. “My day has been satisfactory, In my English class we started to look deeper into Shakespeare works. Such amazing craftsmanship.” He said as I pulled on my gym shirt I nodded and continued to change. Patton left a bathroom stall making our mood drop, he had lost more weight.
    “Hey Pat..” Roman’s voice filled the moment of silence we had created. “You’re eating lunch today.” He told him, I saw a bit of surprise overcome Patton, though he quickly hid it.
“Of course!” He said with a smile. I finished putting on My Cargo Shorts before walking over to him, I looked at Patton with pity. I had problems with eating disorders too but he didn’t deserve this.
I sighed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him over to my area, near Logan and next to Patton’s own stuff. I opened up my backpack and took out a granola bar I had, my mother was a sucker for them so we had a lot, and handed it to him.
Patton’s eyes were overflowing with confusion before he nodded and opened the food. We both sat together waiting for Couch to tell us to get back into the gym. He ate it reluctantly but considering the situation it was needed.
“Figured he would have fought more. I know I sure as hell would.”  I stood up with Patton when the teacher returned, I was slightly excited for what we were gonna do today.
He split us into groups, Me, Roman, Tyler, Alex, Patton and Zack on one team. Janus, Remus, Gabe, Logan, Jo, and Eli.{E-lie}
“Alright you Guys, Today were Playing Dodgeball!” The Couch yelled out, I smiled a bit and looked over at Patton. He didn't look pleased, my guess the combination of eating, slightly getting scolded by Logan about eating habits, and the stress of classes.
I walked over to him and smiled gently, “Don’t worry Dad, I’ll protect you.” I said with a smile, Patton’s eyes widened before he smiled as well. He nodded as I continued. “Let's play some Dodgeball.”


Word Count: 1.6k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Patton, Logan, Ryan, Damien, Teachers

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