Proving Proof

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Warning: Yet another chapter that involves blood and mentions of self harm. Please don’t proceed if you can’t handle it, Also this is a rather short part.


    I looked over at him, Janus looked at me like I was stupid before he chukled. It seemed as if his brain was trying to process the given information, the uncomfortable laughing being his brain trying to cope with it. “That’s not possible Virgil.”
    I looked at him and sighed out my response. “If it wasn’t possible, how the hell did my hand heal after I left.. I can prove it to you as long as you don’t freak out.” I bit my lip as I walked over to where I kept the box I had used last night.
    I heard him gasp as I placed it on my bed and then he broke the temporary silence. “Is that what I think that is?” I gave nod not looking up as I opened the lid, I hadn’t even noticed before he closed the lid. “Oh Hell no, I’m not letting you do this.” He pulled the box away and held it. “This is coming with me and we are gonna be having a conversation Vergilius.”
    I groaned when he used my full name, he was the only person in the group who knew it, but I stood up before walking to him. I knew he saw me ask crazy but, I couldn’t think of a way to show him it was true. “Janus… I don’t mean any harm, I was just gonna put a cut on my elbow or shoulder. Something small and that won’t bleed all that much.” I muttered to him as he let out a sigh.
    “No Virgil! I refuse to let you harm yourself. Even if it won’t have any lasting effect.” I looked at him as he spoke.
    I didn’t want to fight with him, so I simply nodded. Janus was normally someone who could be reasoned with, but only when it was sensible and to him I wasn’t okay.
    I noticed as his shoulders seemed to relax. He was tense, and I was the one putting him in such an uncomfortable situation. I bit my lip again and sat back down on my bed. It didn’t take long for him to resume our exchange. “I want you to be honest with me, why is your wound gone.”
    I gave a sigh and looked at him resuming my serious tone, “I’m being honest. It just healed, like after I came home from your place. I went to get in the shower and it was just gone.” He groaned in annoyance as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
    “V, don-” I cut him off this time, “No Janus! I’m being serious!” He looked up, I was never loud so the surprise in his eyes was rather expected. His face was riddled with confusion and realisation.
    “But… That's impossible Virgil.” He looked down at the ground stroking his chin as he contemplated his next words. “We should contact Logan.” I bit down hard on my lower lip and it started bleeding and I winced. Janus put the box down quickly, I hadn’t realised that blood was slowly dripping from my mouth.
    “Damn… Sorry, I bit down a bit too hard.” I brought my hand to my mouth before reaching for the box, “Can you grab a napkin from this, or let me.” I asked him as I caught the little bit of dripping blood. The iron taste in my mouth wasn’t something I liked.
    He handed me a rag and I held it to my mouth. I gave a sigh as I cleaned up my mouth. As I turned to face him, he walked to the bathroom and washed his hands before returning to me. “Show me.”
    I removed the cloth, my eyes felt like they were burning again as he used his phone's flashlight to observe it. I heard him gasp and pull his hand away. I made eye contact with him as he looked up, he looked so surprised as he took a step back from me. He swept my hair from in front of my forehead and looked at me.
    “Your eyes..” I nodded as he put his hand on his chin again, “and your lip was mending itself.” I watched as he looked at the box again. “We should still communicate with Logan, I may know first aid but he's better with this kind of stuff.” I nodded and looked at the ground.
    “How long do your eyes do that?” He asked me to look up at him as he pulled up his phone clearly to take notes for Logan.
    I needed to think about that one, I had entered my head for a bit thinking, it didn't seem to matter because Janus snapped me out of it. “Your eyes stopped.”
    I looked up at him and put my hand on my lip as I sighed. “I think it just depends on the size of the wound and what i’m trying to do.” He looked at me confused by the last part of my sentence I guess.
    “What do you mean by that?” I gave a sigh and walked over to my desk, pulling out a notebook as I handed it to him. “First page.” I told him as he opened it up.
    “Enhanced Healing, Eye’s Glow, Hyper Awareness.. You’ve been keeping a list?” He asked, I nodded as he looked over it. “Were testing all of this when Logan gets here.”
    I nodded at him before looking at him, “The Hyper Awareness doesn’t happen all the time, mainly when I'm frightened.” Janus looked at me and gave a smirk.
    “Well, that isn’t that hard to test.” He said as he opened the door to my room and left to go back downstairs. I followed him down as we waited for Logan.
    I don’t know how long we’d been waiting, I had entered a deep thought train wondering how bad this could end up being if the two I told had shoved my information to the others. A knock on the door that seemed fantic was what broke me away from myself. My eye’s burned once more as I looked at the door as Janus went to open it.
    My eyes widened as instead of it being Logan, all of them were standing at the door. Roman, Patton, Remus, and Logan all stood there as Janus moved to stand by them. “Alright V,” he started, I looked over at the guy I grew up with as he looked at me. “You need to explain to them.”


Word Count: 1k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Logan, Roman, Remus, Patton

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