They Glow?!

854 51 14

Warning: Okay this one gets straight into abuse. It also involves Panic Attacks and blood. Please don’t read unless you want to.

I took a step back as my door swung open, My father entered making me fall to the ground in shock. “D-dad?!” I before I noticed blood on his knuckles making my own blood run cold. I looked up at him as he pushed my mother onto the floor in front of me, “Oh God.. Mom!” I got on my knees and reached over pulling her closer to me.
“Take care of the bitch.” He said as she stormed back out slamming the door behind him. I flinched before my eyes started to check her head and neck. “Please be okay, please be okay!”
“M-mom?...” I muttered before I noticed the blood dripping down her face. My hand went to her head, I had a thing against blood so I looked away before I took a deep breath looking back and looking through her hair to find the wound. I found it and sighed before, the glowing showed again. I pulled my hand away as the light faded. Slowly and gently I moved her off of me and walked to the corner of my room, pulling out a hidden box of medical supplies.
My eyes drifted back to the wound as I returned, they widened before I sat down almost dropping the container. It was gone. You could see where it was meant to be the skin was clearly irritated, obvious from the redness in its place. I put the box to the side and returned my hand to the wound still trying to figure out what had happened.
I noticed the glowing again and sighed closing them, “I hope this.. thing won’t happen around others.” I opened them back up and noticed that the wound was completely okay. I sighed and stood again returning the medical supplies back, then walking to the bathroom I had connected to my room. I grabbed a rag wetting it down before returning to my mother. I gently started to clean the blood off of her head.
After I finished cleaning her up I sighed, then kissed my mother's forehead before standing  up. I didn’t have the upper body strength to pick her up so I couldn't move her off the floor.
I pulled a blanket off of my bed and gently laid it over her before walking back over to the mirror. I looked at my reflection and saw that my eyes weren't glowing anymore. I sighed and pulled my phone out.
“I’ll text Logan.. He’ll know what's wrong with me.” I opened our private chat and started to type. I looked at the message I had typed out, “Logan, My eyes were glowing. Explain!? . . .”
I sighed before deleting the text I had typed out, “No… He’ll call me a freak.” I turned off my phone, and walked out of my room. My mother would wake up in a couple of hours, I’ve tried to get police involved when I was young. It never worked, she loved him too much.
As I got down stairs, I walked over to the storage closet opening the door in order to get a light bulb. I grabbed one and returned to my room. I turned my light switch, I didn’t wanna risk getting shocked.
As I stood on my bed balancing as I undid the cover putting it on my sheets. I looked up at the blackened bulb, my heart immediately pounding. “Why am I nervous.” I reached up my hand stopping just before I touched it.
“I can’t touch it, I’m gonna get shocked. I know I am.” I pulled my hand away looking at the bulb with caution. My eye drifted back to the light switch, it was off, so why won’t this feeling go away. I bit my lip again trying to man up before reaching back out. I felt the light bulb and slowly unscrewed it.
“So far so good..” I gently pulled it off, sighing with relief as the panic started to settle. I bent over and put the broken bulb on a blanket as well, turning my head to my door so I didn’t fall if he barged in.
I gently held the new bulb up and put it in the open space I had left. “Move!” I pulled my hand away as the bulb sparked, good it didn’t explode this time, that’s a relief.
I finished the repair as I returned the light cover, pulling out my phone. “It’s after 3 already. Patton should be sending his daily wellness check to the chat soon.” I stepped off my bed, a thud sounding through my room as I hit the ground.
As I turned around and grasped the black one with both of my hands. I heard a creaking sound behind me, I turned quickly noticing my father peaking into my room. I stood still as he entered the room. I’m glad I had my mother laying on her back. He wouldn’t be able to tell she no longer had the wound. I held my breath hoping he wouldn't call the light bulb and “scold” me like he always did.
“Virgil-” His voice had started as he took a step close to me, his eyes drifted down to what I was holding, his eyes yelled with anger as he got closer to me. “Cush the bulb in your hand.”
“W-wha-” I muttered my eyes were ripe with confusion but it drowned within my fear.
“Do it now before I hit you with it! Your dumbass broke another light bulb! I paid for those!” He called out getting closer. I closed my eyes tightly and held the bulb in my non dominant hand, crushing the glass part of the bulb within my palm.
“God Damn that hurts!” I was shaking as my eyes opened, the pain and fear were a horrid combination, making my anxiety strike. The smirk of control that crept across my father’s face made me sick as it always had. I opened my fist, some shards falling to the ground along with my own blood, It was dripping from the multiple wounds full of glass.
He turned around, negativity oozing from his person as I watched the man I had the unfortunate need to call Father, leave. I reached my uninjured hand over, grabbing my phone to see multiple text messages and a missed call from each of my friends.
“I’m going to Janus’s place.” Was all I sent to the group chat, not even bothering to wait for a reply, before I slipped on my tena-shoes. My hand was in so much pain, but I couldn’t feel it. The pending panic attack was making sure of that. I bolted out of my apartment, not trying to close the front door.

When I made it to Jan’s house, I saw him waiting for me outside. The relief of someone I knew and trusted allowed me to feel the pain I was in.
“Hey, Janus!” I called out using my okay hand to make my voice sound louder by placing it next to my mouth. His eyes noticaly widened once they laid on me, next thing I knew I was pulled into a tight hug. As I was being held I flinched as his shirt brushed against my hand.
“Virgil! What the hell?!” I looked at him as he let go of me, his hands immediately going to mine. The concern was loud in his voice, the tone gentle but still having his snarky undertone.
“Gentle!” I said, pulling my hand away, “It hurts like crazy.” Janus nodded and grabbed my other hand pulling me into his house. His mother was a doctor and would be able to help, what excuse do I give this time…
As we entered, the smell of flower’s entered my nose. I remembered that Jan's father had been hospitalized due to an accident. “They’re still getting flowers? Conner has been in rehab for a week now. At least he turned out okay.” Janus forced me to sit at the dining table as his mother left the kitchen.
“Virgil! It’s been a bit!” The familiar voice called out as a chucked.
“Only three day Kate.” I said before she too noticed the wounds, her eyes drooped showing she felt as if she was responsible for it. “I had to change my light bulb, fell and broke it.” I told her with the smile she was familiar with.
“Mom! I grabbed some towels, could you help him?” Janus had yelled as he returned, the s’s slurring because of his speech impediment.
“I planned on it.” She called as she left to go retrieve her Medical box. Janus made me lift up my hand and lay it on a towel, I knew the bleeding was going to get worse as they removed the glass.
My hand hurt like crazy as I waited. Jan took my hand and started to figure out how much I had inside of it. He looked up at me and sighed. “This wasn’t an accident, was Ve?” He asked, his eyes shined with worry as I met his eyes, as his eyes left mine and looked over at Kate returning, showing he knew my answer.
“I’m out of anesthetic, Virgil we either do this without it or I take you to the hospital,” I flinched at the mention of hospital.
“Fine, just do it,” I told her looking over at Janus, “Can I squeeze your hand if it hurts.” I smiled gently as he nodded.
“You’re lucky you're like a brother to me.” He told me with a smirk. “Mom be gentle, we know he bruises easily.” he took my hand as he sat on the ground next to me.
“Okay, Virgil. Tell me when you're ready.” Kate’s voice rang through my ears as I took a deep breath. I squeezed Jan’s hand and sighed.
“Okay Kate. Do it before I change my mind, please.” I told her looking up as she held up the tweezers.
It took around an hour to get everything out, my constant squirming wasn’t helping but I couldn’t help it. It hurt way too much, better than a hospital though. Kate was banging up my hand as me and Janus spoke, of course his mother would barge into the conversation.
“Virgil you need to stay off this hand for a while. No tendon damage but it's cut up pretty good.” she said as I turned to her, “I would like it if you came to my house everyday so I could check it, but that's up to you Ve.”
I nodded. I understood what she wanted but, Janus knew that that wasn’t gonna happen. “Storm Cloud.” I looked over at him, he moved his eyes showing he wanted me to come with him so we could talk.
“Alright. It’s getting late and you know my parent’s keep me on a tight leash Kate. I’m sorry but I need to get going.” I stood up slowly, Jan's mother practically forcing pain medicine down my throat. She didn’t want to send home without having something for it.
As I walked back to the door with Janus he closed the front door behind us, “Virgil. What the hell did your dad do this time?!” He whisper-yelled not wanting his mother to hear.
“De, It’s okay! I got out easy because I did what he asked.” I told him as we started to walk. “How are the others? I left my phone on my bed.” I wanted to avoid this conversation, sadly he could tell.
“They kept asking if you were okay! Don’t dodge the question.” I shoved my uninjured hand into my pocket as he said that. I looked over at him about to answer when he held up his phone.
“Perfect. You can tell all of us over Facetime.” he told me, hitting the answer button before I could refuse.


Word Count: 1.9k
Characters: Virgil, Mrs. & Mr. Storm, Logan, Janus, Mr. and Mrs. Snake

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