A Decent Morning

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Warning: None that I can think of, This is a rather Pure chapter! Oh, Cursing I use a lot of vulgar language. That's the advantage of a high school student! 


    I groaned as my alarm went off, my head was hurting as I sat up, forcing my eyes open. I rubbed then with a yawning and then a sigh. “Good Morning…” I looked over at my alarm clock turning it off laying back down snuggling into my blankets once again.
    I had closed my eyes for a couple of seconds yet I was woken immediately by the annoying beeping of my alarm clock. I opened my eyes glaring at the black box, I sat up again. It’s been ten minutes since I first woke. I moved my hand, hitting the machine with another groan.
    “Fuck this..” I dangled my legs over the edge I was responsible enough to make sure I set my alarm earlier then I needed to so my dumb ass could wake up around the general time. I reluctantly got up my back sore from the shitty bed I had.
    After I put on my clothes I pulled out my makeup bag, I put on my foundation, covering my actual eye bags before using my black eye shadow under my eyes as well. I did my eye liner before checking the time. “6:29. I have just enough time to make coffee as well.” I told myself to make a mental note.
    I pulled my jacket over my shoulders grabbing my backpack and throwing it over as well. I trudged down the stairs. My father was always asleep when I woke up, I could make coffee and grab something to eat If I was hungry. I started up the machine and started it as I pulled out my take to school cup, a thermos with a Nightmare before Christmas design on it.
    Patton had gotten me the cup for Christmas last year. I had made him cookies, they weren't the best but I tried so he loved them. I smiled at the happy memory before pouring the hot liquid into the thermos. I immediately took a sip of the liquid, it burnt my tongue and throat but I didn’t care.
    I held the warm drink as I left my house just as Janus pulled up in his car. “Hey Jan!” I called out waving my wrapped hand as he looked in my direction.
    “Hey Ve! How’s the hand?” He said as I smirked walking up to his car opening the door.
    “Hurts, but I took more Painkillers.” I lied feeling bad about putting my thermos in the cup holder. I slid into the passenger seat as he continued the conversation.
    “Good, we don’t want you to be in pain today.” He said with a light chuckle.
    “God, Patton is gonna hug the fuck out of me.” I said running my hand through my hair before checking my makeup in the mirror. It looked good, at least I didn’t fuck that up.
    “True, he cares for us so I’m not that surprised.” Janus said with a gentle laugh, my phone pinged so I pulled it out ,taking another sip of my coffee as I read the message. Like on cue it was in our group chat,

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Father Figure♥️: Hey Kiddos! My parents had to head in early, could one of you swing by and pick me up?

    I read the message showing Janus who nodded taking a different turn so we could head to Pat’s.

    Stormcloud⛈️: Jan and I can.

    I had sent the message Patton responding with a shit ton of emojis, then Logan’s thumbs up told me we were clear. He lived around 10 minutes away from me and we always left for school early considering me and Janus lived around half an hour away from the school.
    I turned on the radio smirking and humming almost immediately, as Victorious by Panic! At The Disco came on. It took a bit but we arrived to see Patton walking down his driveway. Patton was the sweetest boy anyone could meet despite coming from a family of Lawyers and Surgeons he wanted to be a Veterinarian.
    “Hey Kiddos!!” He yelled as he skipped over to the car, I opened the back door from inside the car with a smile, the radio now playing a different tune. Everyone knew Patton knew spanish, so when I heard Despaceto begin I flinched moving my injured hand back feeling a sudden burning in my eyes and hand as the song turned off.
    “Whoa, That shocked you Ve!” Patton said, grabbing my hand as I pretended to have pain. He let go and closed the car door. “Sorry.”
    “It’s fine Pat,” I said moving in my seat, sitting correctly as I made a mental note to add something around electricity to the list. I rubbed my eyes. The burning had stopped but it always made my eyes uncomfortable. I messed with my hair letting my purple-ish bangs cover my purple eye.
    “You’ve been acting kinda of Strange Virgil.” Janus’s voice suddenly popped into my head. Had I blocked them out, I didn’t even realise. “I’ve been trying to get your attention.”
    “Ah, Sorry kinda zoned out.” I muttered with a sigh.
    We had a good car ride, Janus and Patton had distracted me from my worry about the whole “What’s wrong with me” without being aware of it. As we pulled up I held up my coffee halfway gone because of how much we spoke. I took another sip of the still warm liquid.
    As Jan parked Remus practically dived to the car door with a smile. I noticed Roman and Logan talking to each other from my window which was quickly interrupted by Roman scolding Remus despite him being the older of the twins.
    We stepped out, Janus removing the keys then locking the car as we stood next to it. Patton immediately wrapped his arms around me even though we had been in the car for almost an hour.
    “Don’t crush me Pop-Star.” I said with a chuckle as he let go reluctantly.
    “Sorry Kiddo!” He responded with a smile, as Logan came over and hugged Patton whispering something to him which I could only guess to be a Good Morning.
    They weren't dating despite what everyone though, it is kinda obvious they have the hots for each other. I smirked and walked over to the twins rolling my eyes as they continued their “conversation” that consisted of Remus’s vulgar vocabulary and Roman’s sass, sadly not as much as my own.
    “Could you two stop, as much as I hate school we’re gonna be late.” I told them Roman immediately groaning from the mention of School and Remus yelling fuck as he walked away following Janus who was prepared to leave us here.
    I looked over at Roman and nodded at him to show that as my good morning to him. He scoffed and hugged me even though I told him not too.
    “Am I not worthy of a Good Morning?” He asked as I groaned fighting against him.
    “Good Morning Princey, can you let go now?” I continued as he smirked, letting go as Patton and Logan walked past us. I started to walk as well taking a sip of my coffee as Roman speed walked to my side.
    “Alright Virgil, How did you sleep?” He asked yet another question as we entered the school. Not very prepared for the day ahead, at least it’s Thursday.


Word Count: 1.2k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Patton, Logan, Mr. Storm

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