Revealing Truths

434 34 7

Warning: This part involves a panic attack and more self-harm.


    I felt like puking seeing all of the concerned looks on their faces, Logan turned to face Janus. His lips were moving but I couldn’t hear them, my vision had started to blur as I took a step back. My hand went to my chest as I collapsed onto what I could only guess to be the floor as blurriness started to turn into black blotches. I felt something touch my back, causing me to flinch and pull away from it. My eyes burned like crazy as I tried to take in my surroundings, only met with darkness and my chest growing heavy.

    ((Whoa! Perspective change Haven't Done That Yet! We going to best Father figure!))

    As far as I was aware, Logan got a message from Janus claiming something was up with Virgil. He was told specifically to bring the others. I had been sitting in my room when I got the message, the news made me shiver thinking about what could have been wrong with my kiddo.
    We all knew he kept things from us, it was alright with me. I know he has his hands tied and probably wants to say something but can’t. Logan had picked me up last, from what I gathered just by entering, everyone had asked the same questions, Is Virgil okay? Did something happen? And stuff around that general topic. Logan kept with the same response, I know the same amount as you guys.
    Once we pulled up I saw that no cars were in the drive away, his parents weren't home. As the lot of us stumbled to the door Logan knocked without much hesitation but his demeanor told us he was worried. Roman hadn’t stopped pacing and Remus was being quiet for once which confirmed they also felt scared. I held my breath as Janus opened the door and we all filed in. This was the first time I had ever seen Virgil’s house, Janus always said V had his reasons for not letting us enter. I couldn’t understand why.
    My eyes drifted to look at Virgil, he immediately went pale as he saw us. “Alright V, You need to explain to them.” I took a step forward as his eyes started to dart around the room.
    “Janus, did you not tell him?” Logan asked as he turned to the boy his words were directed to. I gave a gasp as Virgil fell onto the ground starting to hug himself. The twins seemed to notice as well when I saw the two of them heading over to him. I followed hearing Janus and Logan begin to argue. The younger of the twins put his hand on V’s back making him pull away as his eyes closed tightly.
    “You can’t just touch him Roman!” I snapped, I didn’t mean to sound harsh, I was just worried about my kiddo. “Virgil? Hey, kiddo can you hear me.” I asked him in a gentle voice, I didn’t want to risk causing him to spiral deeper. I repeated this multiple times before I saw him look in my direction. “Can you hear my voice?” I asked looking at my poor, strange son.

    ((We shall return to the panicking boi. ))

    I don’t know how long I was sitting in the overwhelming darkness, I felt as if I was choking despite how hard I tried to breathe. I started to hear a whisper, it got louder and louder as I turned to face the sound.
    “Can you hear my voice?” I took a deep breath and nodded, I recognized the sound, no.. the voice as I continued to look in its direction.
    “Virgil, can Roman touch your back?” My eyes widened a bit before I nodded and braced for the feeling of something on my back. It came far more gentle than I had expected, his hand gently rubbing in a crucial motion on my back. I felt some relief wash over me as I took a deep shaky breath.
    “W-who’s h-hear?” I asked as I heard another sound, it wasn’t coming from the 5 boys around me. I could start to see colors peeking through the darkness as I recognized the blurry silhouette of Patton.
    I could hear something outside as my sight began to return, I looked over at the door and saw that Janus and Logan were still arguing. I rubbed my eyes as I looked behind me and saw Roman and Remus. My breathing was still labored and the tears continued to stream down my cheeks as I started to wipe my eyes clean. Whatever had been outside seemed to leave as I took another deep breath and stood up. I could tell Patton wanted me to stay seated as I looked at the two boys in front of us. I was mad at Janus for lying and Logan for not considering how his yelling could have affected my drastic state.
    “Logan, Janus, shut it!” I gripped at them, the two boys turned to face me as Janus’s eyes widened.
    “V! Your eyes are doing the thing again.” I felt my heart skip a beat and then saw as Logan started to look at me.
    “Extraordinary..” He muttered and brought a hand up to my face. I immediately took a step back and then looked behind me to see the other three eyes widen.
    “Why are your eyes glowing Virgil?” Roman asked as he took a step closer to me, I also backed away from him. I saw Janus sigh and straighten up.
    “That’s why we contacted Logan, considering how I know Virgil and that Logan would have let it slip anyway when around him, the best option was to tell everyone.” He stated as Remus let out a chuckle.
    “Janus is just a Pussy!” Everyone glared at Remus before I noticed It had calmed me down.
    I felt the burning dissipate and gently rubbed them again. It didn’t take long for Janus to rub the bridge of his nose and continue. “Trust me, the eyes are the least strange thing about this. You want to show them yet?” He asked as I nodded and walked into the kitchen.
    “Best to do it before my mom gets back, she won’t want to walk in on this.” I told him as I retrieved a knife. Their originally confused faces had quickly shifted into frightened and worried.
    “Hey Virgil,” Logan started, “What do you plan on doing with that.” I looked over at him as the lot stepped closer, undoubtedly to take it away from me.
    “Guys, just let him show you. You can yell at him later.” Janus interrupted as I lifted the blade and jammed it into my thigh, glad I had shorts on. I groaned from the sharp stinging pain and then went to pull it out.
    “Virgil!” Patton yelled his eyes starting to tear up, I looked up at him and watched as Roman went to pull out his phone.
    “Roman Wait!” Janus yelled at him, Logan rushed over and pulled a chair over. They all were so worried, maybe we should have explained this a bit.
    “Don’t pull it out Virgil, you may have hit the main artery.” I knew I hadn't. I'd stabbed my leg before, not proud of but I have.
    “Look, just..” I gave a sigh before just pulling it out as the burning in my eyes started up. The large gash around 5 inches deep started to gush with blood, the smell of iron was strong as Logan rolled his eyes.
    Remus was panicking, so was Roman as the twins tried to figure out what to do. Remus was trying to be comic relief, making comments about wanting to drink my blood as Patton started to cry and Janus faced palmed. I looked upon the chaos and looked at my hand that was covered in blood.
    Janus looked over still surprised by the whole healing thing as the blood started to stop flowing. Logan gasped which made the others turn as watch as the wound slowly began to weave shut and heal itself. Patton’s tears started to stop flowing as he looked at him.
    Everyone was quiet, my eyes continued to glow as the others looked up at me. I dropped the knife on the ground, feeling tired as the others looked at him. The wound had shut by now but my eyes continued to glow as I stood up. “Ta-da?” I said to break the silence.
    Janus proceeded to go get some bowls and then fill them with the still-warm soup. “Anyone hungry?” He called out as I took a rag and started to clean the drying blood off my leg.
    The boys were still in a form of shock as they nodded and entered the kitchen avoiding the blood. Patton poured about half of his bowl back into the pot before he took a few sheepish bites.
    I started to clean up not wanting my mom to see the blood or for it to stain the tile. I took the bloodied rag and then grabbed the knife cleaning it in the sink before rinsing the rag before I left it in the sink and then grabbed myself a bowl just realizing how hungry I was.
    I saw that Patton grab another bowl which seemed to lift everyone's spirits. “So.. Virgil.” Remus started, he was being serious so I gulped down what was in my mouth as he continued. “When did this start?” He asked as I lowered my bowl a bit and sighed.
    “Around Wednesday. I woke up and was in alot of pain.” I told him with a sigh. “Later I think I caused the lightbulb in my room to explode.”
    I watched as Logan put his bowl down and put his hand on his chin. He had started muttering to himself as he started to pace. Patton had finished his second bowl before he looked regretful. I gave a sigh and gently pulled him into a hug.
    Roman gave an exaggerated gasp before he wrapped his arms around Patton and I, a smirk growing on my face. “You can’t have a hug without The Great Roman Prince!” He said with a smile.
    “And The Kinky Remus Prince!” The older twin invaded the moment and hugged the small group. Janus gave a sigh before he joined the hug, Patton was squished but he didn’t seem to mind as he looked over at the pacing Logan. He left his train of thought to look back over at the lot of us, he looked embarrassed before Patton retched out and pulled him into the large warm hug.
    After a couple of minutes of a much needed hug they all cleaned up their bowls, I headed up to my room, the other’s followed as they all chilled around the room. I was sitting on my bed Roman next to me as Patton sat in my desk chair slowly spinning. Logan stood next to him as Remus and Janus sat on the floor.
    “Virgil, how has this affected you so far?” Logan asked as I leaned back and laid on Roman’s lap. I was so tired and still had a fever as I laid on him.
    “It’s not been that bad, other than struggling to keep it from my parents and from other kids. My eyes also burn whenever the whole glow thing happens.” I told him as I felt Roman’s hand start to run through my hair. I hummed in response, my eyes closing, I was tired. I honestly just wanted to fall asleep.
    I could hear a voice talking but it was muffled, I wanted to open my eyes and look at the culprit but everything just went black.


Word Count: 1.9k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Logan, Roman, Remus, Patton

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