Unable To Hide

469 32 4

Warning: This one had fluff and it involves romance advancement, but then angst >:3
Blood and abuse warning.


    As my eyes flickered open I felt pressure on my abdomen, as I moved my fuzzy gaze to the region I saw that Patton was laying across me. I looked behind me to see that my head was being rested in Romans lap. My cheeks flushed red as was stuck laying on them. Roman was slightly slumped over, his head resting on his shoulder as he leaned against the headboard. Patton had his own body sprawled over me, it looked very uncomfortable but my abdomen met with his back so who knows how it felt. His short hair was messy and curled around his face, for once I was glad it was a friday or else I would have awoken with loneliness.
    Sleeping at my desk was Janus, my laptop was on so it showed he had been on it. That was normal, Jan knew my passwords and all that. He was probably looking stuff up, one of his arms was hanging off, his other tucked under his head as they rested on the wood. On the floor slept Remus, he had taken off his shirt and seemed to find the unnatural position comfortable. His head was pushed against the wall, slightly bending in order to attempt some comfort. His two arms were resting under his torso and his legs were crossed, he appeared to be tied up but I knew he wasn’t.
    The final person was Logan, his right hand gently cupped with Pat’s. His head was resting on the mattress and he was sleeping rather peacefully, for once the rather empty boy seemed full of emotions and it showed the kindness he possessed. I was practically pinned down and I didn’t really want to wake anyone. I went ahead and just simply relished in the fact I was so close to Roman.
    His face was so gentle and calm, it was the complete opposite to his brother’s who appeared to be restless and overly aware of his surroundings. I brought my hand up and gently rubbed Roman’s cheek, his skin was soft and felt so kind under my hand. His scent of honey and Pineapple sage was wonderful and complimented the sugary scent coming from Patton. I felt like falling back to sleep but I couldn't manage to before Logan and Roman began to stir. Logan stood with a stretch as he looked over at my trapped position, Roman had fallen back asleep.
    “Virgil? Are you alright?” He asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed near Pat and began to run his fingers through his curly hair.
    “Yep, this is surprisingly comfortable. I’ve been up for an hour Specks, They won’t move.” I told him, “Help please.” He sighed and gently picked up the still sleeping Patton, I noticed a small bit of shock on his face as he held him.
    “Patton is really light..” He muttered under his breath as I got up and out of bed. I turned to him feeling rather frightened as he put him back down.
    “I figured his parents would've realized by now…” I whispered looking at my sleeping friend. “Pat really needs help.” The two of us shared a look for a moment before I smiled and walked to the door. I had to step over Remus in order to leave my room as Logan followed rather confused.
    Being around the others made me feel joy. They helped pull me out of my mind. I hated pushing them away but when I was in a depressive state, I couldn’t help it no matter how hard I tried. I headed down to the kitchen, it was around 5am. I knew it was really early but with me not being able to fall back asleep and Logan being up. I figured we should make breakfast, at least we could confirm that Patton would eat.
    “Let’s make breakfast.” I told him as I leaned against the counter, Logan nodded and seemed to agree.
    “That’s acceptable, as long as we make sure Pat eats at least a little.” I nodded in response before peaking out the window, my mother’s car was outside and my father’s wasn’t. This gave me a sigh of relief as I closed the curtain and then stood up moved to get a pan from the cabinet. I saw Logan look through the fridge and pull some stuff out.
    “How about we do scrambled eggs and sausage.” He asked me as he held the egg carton and a package of sausage. I nodded and grabbed out a second pan that made it easier to clean up grease.
    I turned on the burner for the sausage to let it warm up as I started to wash my hands. Logan got everything out and then washed his own hands when I was done. I worked with the meat as he worked on the eggs, we did this in silence but I was constantly keeping an ear out for the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.
After around half an hour we had both finished making the meal, the two of us leaned against the table and started to talk. “Hey Virgil.” Logan started as he turned to face me. “I have a question.”
I hummed as confirmation so he could continue, “What does Patton think of me?” I looked over at him slightly shocked. Logan was the one person I had never expected to ask that.
“Logan, Patton thinks the world of you.” I told him as he stood up and crossed his arms. “And I know that you care for him more than anything.” I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled a small bit before I removed my hand from him and sighed.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Logan once again resumed the conversation. “I feel really good when I’m around him, I’ve noticed that my heart rate seems to increase.” I looked at him as he spoke and then smiled at him again.
“You’re in love with him Logan.” I watched as his brain tried to process how it was possible but he shook it off and seemed to accept it.
“I figured something like this would happen. I just didn’t think it’d happen this soon.” He said with a sigh before he smiled his cheeks tinted a slight shade of red. I nodded at him before Patton and Roman walked down the stairs.
Logan was quick to force the blush as we both looked over at the two boys. I smiled and faced them before walking closer. “Hey you two, make sure to be quiet my mom is asleep.” I told them as we walked into the kitchen.
“Oh, sorry kiddo,” Patton was quick to hush his own voice as he continued. “Roman and I noticed you two missing so we kinda looked for you. It’s like 6am.” I nodded in response and then hopped onto the counter sitting on it as Logan replied.
“Yeah, we know. Virgil and I made breakfast.” He told the two of them as I pulled out some paper plates because I didn’t wanna deal with dishes. I handed them all a plate and left two on the counter for when Janus and Remus got up.
    “Make sure to save enough for my mom and the other two.” I told them as they each took turns getting food. I also got some not getting much, I wasn’t very hungry. Patton had gotten a decent amount of food, about a quarter of the plate was eggs and around an ⅛th was some of the sausage, he had like three pieces of it. I had around the same amount, Logan had a good meal portion since he knew how healthy it was to eat the right proportions.
Roman had around the same amount as Logan just a bit more heavy on the egg side. We each ate together, talking among ourselves as soon as we all had finished Janus and Remus joined the party. The two of them sleepy entered the kitchen as we each threw away our plates. They got some food as the lot of them all went to my room.
I had asked them to head up while I cleaned up the cooked food. put a lot on a plate labeling it Father after I wrapped it up with plastic wrap I did the same to another plate this time labeling it Mother. I slid them into the fridge and then cleaned up the pans as I went to put them in the dishwasher. A loud crash broke through the silence I turned to watch the ground seeing glass scattered around the area.
I noticed a small bit of glass in my ankle, clearly in a bit of shock as I felt none of the pain. I felt a tightened in my throat as I immediately starting to clean up the sharp precious bits with my bare hands not bothering to try and not cut myself. Some tears were slowly beginning to trickle from my eyes as I panicked to clean it up. I heard some footsteps as I scattered to pick it up before the sound of a car door slamming sounded. It created this deathly thick patch of silence as I held my breath freezing up.
    The front door opened up, a large man walking through it and immediately looking over at me. I saw the narrow familiar eyes pear over the edge, they were filled with confusion and then a forming anger. I scrambled to my feet. My leg was bleeding a bit as it started to stream down to my foot. I dropped the glass shards I had into the trash can and began to curse at myself as he got closer to me. I closed my eyes tightly as he stood right in front of me, my breathing labored quickly as the scent of Alcohol was so strong.
    I felt a large hand on my shoulder before I was shoved back into the counter I grunted a bit as my spine hit the stone. I opened my eyes to look up and meet his dark green ones. He grabbed me by my bangs and lifted them up to the point it hurt but he wouldn’t pull my hair out. My multi colored eyes were forced to be shown as he gave a growl.
    “What do you think you did boy?!” His voice was rather loud. I looked to the staircase, I could see a foot poking out from behind the small barrier. My father was quick to yank my head to the side, I whimpered from the pain as he opened up his mouth again to continue yelling.
    “Look at me when I’m talking to you!” He called out as I locked eyes with him, he was rather quick to drop me and then brought his hand across my cheek. I fell to the ground and gasped as the shard of glass went father into my calf. He looked at me on the floor and proceeded to walk over to the glass and grab a large shard.
    He returned to me and I watched over my shoulder as lifted up the back of my tang-top before bringing the shard and tearing into my back with it. Tears were streaming down my face as I choked back a scream. I felt him do it around three times as I felt blood dripping down my back and sides. I listened as the shard was dropped and shattered before he kicked me onto my side.
    I looked up at my father as he seemed rather pleased with his actions. He walked away stopping at some point as his voice boomed through my whimpering and subtle sobs. “Don’t make me take out the trash again Brat.” He called before walking into my mother’s room. I laid there for a minute and soon I tried to stand on the floor. It had a couple puddles of blood all over it as I quickly pulled the glass shard from my calf. It stung like a crazy but I needed this one to heal, at least a little since it was producing the most blood. I sat up and looked down at it before my tang-top slid back over my back.
    I winched as it moved before just taking off my tang-top. I moved and started to throw all the glass away. The wound on my ankle had started to heal up a bit but I couldn’t have my dad getting suspicious so I stopped it. After I cleaned everything up the bleeding had generally stopped so I walked back up to my room I noticed the group of them were standing near my bed holding my bandages and disinfectant. “Fuck..”


Word Count: 2.1k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Logan, Roman, Remus, Patton, Mr. Storm

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