Theater Class

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Warning: This one involves mention of a Pending Anxiety Attack.  That's all!


    I guess Janus knew that would spike my anxiety, because his hand went straight to my back. Since we had grown up together he knew all things that could calm me and keep me from having a panic attack.
    “You’ll be okay.” He whispered, I sighed as my shoulder’s untenced. I felt lucky I had closed my eyes, since the burning had temporarily returned. I looked up at Janus with a crooked smile, I was nervous but it was a bit better.
    “S-sorry.” I muttered, running my fingers through my hair. Roman had moved sitting right behind us without Janus or I even noticing.
    “You good Stormcloud?” He asked as I nodded after slightly jumping from the unexpected noise. I turned around to look at him only to have Roman place his hand on my head rustling my hair.
    “Stop!” I said still quietly. but my word had plenty of anger with it. Chucking awoke behind me as I sighed.
    “Alright guys, I need Stage Crew to join me in my office so we can figure out our musical for this Season” He called out. I nodded to myself standing up Janus by my side as he did the same. I put my stuff in my seat gently before heading to follow the others Janus following suit.
    I had pulled up my hood before entering the rather small room known as Thomas’s Office. I stood in the door area Janus stood next to me, we were the last two needed.
    “Alright you guys, Since Joan is our only Senior, they get to choose from our musical’s!” Thomas’s face was covered in joy, it wasn’t confusing he’s practically a puppy, kinda like Patton.
    Joan started to pull out a list, it looked rather small. They handed it to our teacher with a smile, “I took to thought the types voice’s among all of Stage Crew, and the other’s acting skills along with voices.” They said watching Mr. Sanders read the list, I looked at Thomas and Jone wondering when he nodded.
    “Alright, out of the three options, what would you guys like to do?” He held up the list and began to read off the choices. “Six, Heathers, or Dear Evan Hansen. I’d like to add that you won’t be cast by gender. Who says we can’t have a Male Heather or a Female Evan.” The moment he brought up Dear Evan Hansen I smiled, Janus leaned onto my shoulder also wearing a grin.
    “Damn, we got lucky.” He whispered into my direction. I faintly nodded as Thomas continued.
    “Okay so…” He looked around the room before pointing in our direction, “Virgil! Your handwriting is beautiful, could you keep track of the voting?” I nodded reluctantly walking over to the white board, I wrote down the three musicals.
    “Alright, Everyone who wants to do Six raise your hand.” Thomas called out, I looked around the room counting 3 hands. I wrote down the number double checking before confirming the answer.
    “Okay, Heathers?” He asked, causing more hands to raise, I counted 5 hands. I turned to the board and wrote down the number. From what I could tell there were 4 people who hadn’t voted, that wasn’t including me.
    “Finally, Dear Evan Hansen.” I smiled a little counting the final hands adding my own vote as well.  The votes were 3, 5, and 5, we’d have to revote.
    Thomas nodded and looked back at the others, “Okay, can you rewrite the stuff so we can vote again.” I nodded as well before erasing everything. I rewrote Heathers and Dear Evan Hansen and looked back at the people, I wasn’t saying anything because my anxiety was spiking.
    “Heather.” He said, the hands went up again. I counted 9 and wrote it down knowing that meant Heathers won. Thomas still asked for the votes for Dear Evan Hansen, 9 to 8.
    It made me a little sad, but Heathers was a good musical. I erased the votes and wrote the Winner on the board. I put the marker down and returned next to Janus who rustled my hair as I sighed releasing the tension I had gained from the wanted attention.
    We all returned to the auditorium sitting down as Thomas walked onto the stage. “Okay! I need your attention everybody!” He called out, clapping his hands in order to let us know his location.
    Roman poked me with a smirk, “What musical got picked?” He whispered as I chuckled quietly.
    “Nope, You get to figure it out with the rest of the class.” I told him with a smile. Janus retched over my lap grabbing the wrist of my “Injured” hand. I tried to pull my hand away, he held on it tighter making me sigh.
    “Let me look at it.” I shook my head pulling it away as Mr. Sanders continued.
    “Okay, so the musical that won was, Drum roll please!” He said as one of the students started to play the drums.
    “Heathers!” He called out once she finished. Roman practically squealed with excitement, he quickly covered his mouth and I covered my ears.
    “Loud Much.” I said, as he turned red with embarrassment. Roman sighed and sunk into his chair. I looked back up at Thomas with a sigh, he had just been waiting for people to calm down.
    “Okay, for the tryouts pick a song from the musical. The character you want to play will be put into thought.” Thomas said as he waved his hand around, “For now you’re all dismissed, stay in the class though.
    I sighed, pulling out my phone then opening Tumbler. I started to scroll through it, being interrupted by a tug. I dropped my phone and looked up to see Janus trying to attack Roman who was cowering behind me.
    I rolled my eyes and looked at them. “Janus what to Roman do?” I ask rubbing the bridge of my nose, I wasn’t the mom or dad of the friend group but whenever one of the parents was being a child I would be the voice of reason.
    “Roman insulted Velma!” He growled out making me sigh.
“Janus, Velma is a fucking stuffed animal snake.” I told him as I stood up in between them. Velma was a plushie of a snake he had years ago. She had died because of health complications.
“I already apologized.” Roman said as he pushed on my head, I pushed him off and took their hands. I pushed them together and smirked.
“Apologies assholes.” I told them holding their hands together, Janus pulled his hand away with a growl, smirking as he left mine and Roman’s hands touching. I quickly pulled mine away, glad my foundation hit the heat from my cheeks.
“I’m sorry Janus.” Remus said as he put his hand on the back of his neck. I sighed and sat down in my seat getting back on my phone as Jan apologized.
I resumed my scrolling before the bell range. I gathered my stuff and left the theater.  “Just great, the one class I don’t have any friends in is next.”


Word Count: 1.1k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Patton, Logan, Mr. Sanders Aka: Thomas

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