A Daily Routine

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Warning: This part involves slight panic attacks along with mention of inappropriate images, courtesy of Remus. Also Patton being a pure babe!


    As we walked in the halls my anxiety always spiked, since I was with Roman it wasn’t as bad. I was glad we had our first three periods together, the 5th Period as well but that class had our entire friend group.
    I held my backpack sling tightly as we continued down the hallway, turning to enter our first hour which was English 2. I was meant to be in an honors class, but since no one I knew was in my hour I was fine with normal classes.
    Roman and I sat in our seats, he sat in the middle of the classroom and I sat in the back. Not by choice but at least Mrs. Durman understood my anxiety. “At least this class is quiet..”
My phone buzzed so I pulled it out of my pocket, Remus was spamming memes again. I rolled my eyes and smirked adding one or two of my own. I looked up at Roman who looked back at me, he mouthed, “Stop encouraging him!”
I held in my laughter and looked back down at my phone, proceeding to span memes as well, Patton joining with his more wholesome ones.

Computer💻: Could you buffon's stop sending these, you’re fine Pat, Mr. Gander will steal my cell phone if he hears it.

Snec Boi🐍: Logan you know Remus will spam even more. Virgil! What the hell?!

I looked at the message chuckling quietly as Roman squated next to my desk, he adored torturing Janus and Logan.

Stormcloud⛈️: I have Memes too.


    Remus was spamming that now as Patton stopped his own pictures, the bell rang and I put my phone on silent as Roman returned to his desk. I shoved my cell into my pocket, Remus never followed the rules and would be spamming throughout his class, that's why I silenced my phone.
    “Okay Guys! We’re gonna continue what we started Yesterday.” Mrs. Durman's voice entered the air as she called out her words from her desk. I froze up feeling my heart rate immediately rise after she spoke.
I looked at Roman who was walking over to me, “It’s a Group project you’re lucky I begged her to let us group.” He said with a smile making me sigh with relief.
“God you’re a lifesaver Roman.” I muttered my hand on my chest as I continued, “What's the project?” He smiled at me as I looked up in confusion.
“We have to write a Poem that has stuff about how we see the world.” As he spoke I nodded and sighed once again.
“Roman, we are polar opposites. Do you know how much harder this will be.” I told him but he continued to smile sitting on my desk.
“I’m well aware of that Hot Topic, You're supposed to be in honor classes. It won’t be that hard.” He waved his hand around as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.
“Yeah, Maybe for me but you barely passed English last year! How are we supposed to write and have the words flow together if we aren’t around the same skill level.” I told him my sass filling the words. “Sorry…” I muttered, rubbing my left arm with another sigh.
“Don’t worry about it Ve, we are being graded on our own parts but the two who write the best Poem get a reward!” He said with a glistening smile.
I rolled my eyes, a slight smile on my face as he pulled his chair over and pulled out my comebook. He placed his next to mind and sent me a doc for when we were done with the whole Poem.

Class ended faster than I thought, I shoved my stuff into my bag throwing it back over my shoulder waiting for Roman as he neatly packed up his stuff.
I rubbed my eyes looking at the bandage on my hand, It was starting to annoy me considering I didn’t need it. If I took it off Janus would be confused considering he had seen the actual wound. Guess I'm not taking it off.
“Virgil, you coming, we have next class with Remus. You know he’ll storm the halls if we don’t arrive soon.” Roman’s voice pulled me from my train of thoughts. I nodded and followed the older of the twins, once we arrived at our Algebra class, I sighed knowing how much I hated this teacher.

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