Chapter 1: Nightmares

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Hey guys, this story was requested by SB200426. I hope you like it! Please comment and let me know how it is :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, only the plot.

*In this chapter, italics means what's going on in Jason's head.

*Crack *

Joker broke yet another one of Jason's bones with the crowbar. All Jason could let out was a small grunt. Every muscle and bone in his body was screaming in pain. Jason kind of wished the pain would just end. He closed his eyes, hoping Batman would show up. Suddenly, the blows stopped. Jason opened his eyes to see why Joker had stopped.

'Oh no! NO! No, no, no, this can't be happening!' Jason was drowning, but in green liquid. He couldn't breathe. After looking around, he saw a way out. He swam up and got out only to see his family all dead, with Arsenal bleeding out on the side. Jason looked at the murderer only to see...Red Hood. 'Wait, but he's Red Hood! Did he-?' Jason thought in terror. 

Then, the man took off his Red Hood. Jason looked on, horrified, at the face before him. It was his face, but with a disgustingly wide Joker-like grin on his face. "Your turn!" the Joker form of him said in a sing-song voice, and fatally stabbed Jason with one of Arsenal's arrows.

Jason shot up in bed, screaming.

"Whoa, whoa. You good, man?" Arsenal rushed in, evidently having just gotten out of bed. Roy wasn't living with his ex-mentor anymore, and it was easiest for him to live with Jason at his safe-house.

Jason was breathing heavily, looking around in panic. When he saw his friend, he calmed down.

"It was just a dream," he sighed in relief, then resumed his 'tough-guy' act, "What're you doing in my room? Don't you have like, arrows to sharpen or something?"

'Sides, I need to go find out why my nightmares have started up again. I haven't had a nightmare that bad in years, except this week they've just gotten worse and worse.

Roy glared at the anti-hero, "Actually, I was sleeping until your screaming woke me up."

"Whatever," Jason rolled his eyes, "I'mma go eat breakfast, you can come if you want."

Jason changed and headed to the kitchen, followed by Roy, who was already in his outfit. Jason quickly finished his cereal, and grabbed his guns and helmet.

"Where are you going?" Roy asked, noticing Jason about to head out.

"Out," was Jason's short reply.

Roy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but where?"

Jason looked at his friend, "I said out! If you wanna find out something more specific, you can come with me."

Roy sighed and followed Jason, putting on his domino mask. They both got on their motorcycles, and Jason led the way.

Why have the nightmares started again? And every time, why does it show me coming out of the Lazarus pit? I'm missing something here, but I don't know what!
Jason, now Red Hood, looked back at Arsenal. Maybe he can help. No! He'd probably just think you're a loser for getting so worked up over a nightmare! Screw it, he can leave if he's got a problem with it.
Jason sighed. Fine! I'll tell him when he asks.

"So....why are we going wherever we're going?" Arsenal inquired.

Aaaand he asked. Tell him!

Clenching his fists at himself, Jason quickly explained, "I've been....getting nightmares. I'm pretty sure there's some reason why, since they came back after several years. So I'm trying to find out what the nightmares are trying to tell me."

Roy shrugged, "Cool. I can help, you'll need it."

Jason was surprised. I did not expect him to be so accepting about it. See? It was that easy.

"Um..." Jason was stumped, "Well, maybe we can start by going to the warehouse I died in? There might be some clues or something there."

Roy frowned slightly, "Shouldn't you ask...Batman? You know, since he knows the most about the Lazarus Pit, besides Ra's and Talia Al Ghul? I know you don't like to talk to the Bats, but this might be kinda important."

"No," Jason cut him off before he could continue, "I am not going there unless there is no other choice."

Roy thought for a moment, then smirked, "How about this: We will look in the warehouse. If nothing is there, you'll ask Batman for help."

Jason looked at Roy with an audible smirk, "No, I'll only ask the old man if you ask out Wonder Girl. I know you like her," he sing-songed. Jason expected Roy to back up now that something of his was at stake. To his surprise, however, Roy nodded.

"If that's what it takes to help you," he sighed.

OK, I'm stopping the chapter here. Let me know what you think! :)

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