Chapter 7: Hidden Plans

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"Relax, Talia," Ra's raised a hand to reassure her, "He will not try anything. I am the only one who can help him try to understand what is happening." Talia bowed her head and stepped back into her previous position.

"Now," Ra's Al Ghul turned to Jason, "Follow me. The Pit will show you all you need to know."


(A/N: Italics means their thoughts.)

Roy opted to stay behind, and watched as Jason walked behind Ra's Al Ghul, tightly gripping his gun and examining his surroundings.

Good. Ra's thought, glancing back at the anti-hero. He does not know what he is walking into. He thought back to when he was talking to his daughter about Jason Todd.

"But father, what need do you have of the boy? He is rash, arrogant, and was foolish enough to get killed by a clown," Talia protested.

"Enough," Ra's commanded, "I have my reasons. If convinced to join us, he could devastate the Dark Knight."

"And if beloved finds out?" Talia pressed, not wanting to have to choose between the two men she loves, "Father, I believe it would be best if we did not try to interfere with the Robins."

"No!" Ra's narrowed his eyes at his daughter, "I know why you are reluctant to do this. So, I will not ask you to fight your beloved. However, this must be done, for the League of Assassins and for our future. If you do not wish to join me, I would suggest you do not try to stop me. You are dismissed."

"Is this it?" Jason asked, startling Ra's out of his thoughts. The Head of the Demon nodded, and went further into the room with the Lazarus Pit. Now, it's time to play on his hate for the clown, and his anger at the Dark Knight for not killing him.

"Understand, Jason," Ra's started, "I need to know what is troubling you. The Pit is her own entity, I am only the one who can understand her needs."

"O...kay," Jason trailed, taking off his helmet and looking at Ra's curiously, "First off, stop talking about the Lazarus Pit like it's your girlfriend. Second, I'll answer your questions, but you better not try anything funny, or you'll end up with a bullet through your head," he threatened, pulling out a gun.

Ra's nodded, "Very well. My first question: what is the current status of your relationship with the Dark Knight?"

"We're fine," Jason hastened to answer, "But what is the relationship between that and my dreams?"

"I believe I am the one asking the questions right now," Ra's chided, "But if you must know, your personal emotions would also affect why the Pit has chosen to contact you. And do try to answer honestly."

Jason growled, "We've been fine," he insisted.

Clearly, the stiffening of his posture and quick response indicate that his relationship with his former mentor is not fine. He must be trying to ignore his anger towards the Bat in the hope that he may be able to help him. If I can just resurface that anger...

Ra's Al Ghul looked at the Lazarus Pit, "So you are not still angry that he did not avenge your death?"

"I am still pissed," Jason said, quickly standing up to emphasize his anger, "But he has his rules, and clearly nothing can make him break them, so...whatever."

"No, no, express your feelings," Ra's encouraged, "The Pit knows your each thought, and she still wants you, so your each thought is of utmost importance."


"The Dark Knight has wronged you," Ra's declared after kneeling by the Pit for a few minutes, "You must make clear your grievances before the Pit can allow you to help yourself. See, even now your ex-mentor stand in your way."

Jason had been answering the older man's questions for a while now, and Ra's had managed to confirm the anti-hero's suppressed anger towards Batman.

Any moment now, Jason will once more be ready to do my bidding in exchange for revenge on Batman and the solution for his dreams, Ra's thought to himself.

Jason reached forward and slightly touched the healing waters of the Pit.

Now! Ra's commanded the Pit, Bring out every hateful memory and feeling towards Batman and the other heroes!

The vigilante shuddered, then stood up and put on his helmet, getting his guns ready for a fight.

"Where are you going?" Ra's Al Ghul asked, already knowing the answer.

"To deal with Batman once and for all," Jason spat, and headed out of the room.

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