Chapter 6: An Unexpected Helper

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Arsenal rolled his eyes, and stepping into the plane, "Let's go already. We've got a Pit to unravel, and a mystery to solve!"

Jason stepped in as well and took off his helmet, looking at Arsenal with a curious expression, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"What?" Arsenal exclaimed, "I thought it sounded dramatic."

"Okay," Jason started up the engine, "Let's go."


Red Hood and Arsenal were surrounded by people in black assassin uniforms which blended into the shadows.

"Maybe we should've listened to Batman," Arsenal panted, "And waited for him before we did something stupid, like this."

He was responded by a groan as Jason was thrown to the ground with a sword at his throat. Just as the man with the sword was about to strike the fatal blow, a quiet yet commanding voice cut through the chaos.

"Stand down, men," the voice commanded, and all the assassins kneeled towards the source of the sound.

"Good," Ra's Al Ghul stepped forward and passed a critical eye over the 2 antiheroes, "I'm impressed. You lasted much longer than I expected."

"Why is the Lazarus Pit calling me?" Jason demanded, scrambling to his feet and taking a step forward threateningly. Immediately, the assassin next to the Demon's Head took out her sword with a defensive stance.

"Relax, Talia," Ra's raised a hand to reassure her, "He will not try anything. I am the only one who can help him try to understand what is happening." Talia bowed her head and stepped back into her previous position.

"Now," Ra's Al Ghul turned to Jason, "Follow me. The Pit will show you all you need to know."

(A/N: Hey guys, I know this chapter is super short, and I'm sorry about that. It would be great if you would write in the comments what you think so far. Also, if you have any suggestions about what should happen next in the story, definitely put it in the comments. Thank you so much for reading my story so far!!!)

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