Chapter 11: Curtain of Lies

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"Even if I did believe you," Jason suddenly spoke up, "That you are my friend and Ra's Al Ghul has somehow used the Pit to make me hate Batman and his friends, what makes you think he won't just do it again?"

Roy furrowed his eyebrows in thought, "Did you...touch the water in the Lazarus Pit?"

"Yeah," Jason nodded, "I did. I guess that's when he was able to use the Pit to affect my mind."

"Well, that was easy," Roy smirked, his face breaking into a grin as his friend laughed, "So we just have to make sure you don't touch the water again."


"We'll still have to steal another jet," Jason casually said, leaning against the remains of the old one, "I guess I'll just apologize to the old man when we get back."

Roy smirked, "No, you won't. You're enjoying this way too much."

"No, I won't," Jason laughed, "Come on! What are you waiting for?"


"Well, that was easy," Red Hood said, sounding a little disappointed, "Guess B didn't try so hard on security outside of Gotham."

"Or maybe he knew you'd end up stealing another jet," Roy countered with a grin, "So he didn't bother trying to leave security guards just to get beaten up by us."

Jason took off his helmet with a horrified look, "But if he knows we'd come here..."

"He might be here too!" Roy said, his expression now mirroring his friend's.

"Well, that too," Jason acknowledged, picking up his guns and putting his helmet back on, "But I was gonna say Ra's will know too."

"Oh shit," Roy cursed, grabbing his weapons as well. Then suddenly his eyes widened with realization, "Wait! Even if they know we're here, they have reached here yet."

He threw his weapons and mask to the side helter-skelter. Then, Roy ripped off the bandaging on his leg and crouched down in pain, grabbing Red Hood's gun-wielding arm so that the gun was at his back. Red Hood looked in confusion at his gun pointing at his injured friend's back, then kneeled down and pressed the gun into Roy's back, getting into character.

"Did you seriously think that you could've succeeded in trying to escape?" he hissed, not even glancing to the side when Talia suddenly appeared in the doorway, "You aren't even a competent fighter under normal circumstances, and you've never beaten me. Unless you were lying about your fighting skills too?"

Red Hood was about to continue when Batman's voice startled him, "Red Hood, what are you doing?"

"Quiet Batman, I'll deal with you once I'm done with him," Red Hood barked.

"Stand down, Hood," Batman commanded, slightly surprised at the sight before him, "Why are you holding A-Roy at gunpoint?"

"He's with you, which means he's against me," Hood responded simply.

"Dude, I already told you," Roy croaked, the gash on his leg starting to bleed heavily again, "I'm not with the Bats. You know that. And I wasn't trying to escape, I was trying to take care of my leg. I don't wanna fight you, Hood."

Seeing the small puddle of blood starting to form around his friend's leg, Jason anxiously looked around for a way to stop, or at least decrease, the amount of blood Roy was losing. Before he could do anything however, Talia stepped forward and pressed her sword to Roy's throat.

"Do not try anything," she commanded, as 20-30 assassins surrounded Red Hood, Roy, and Batman, "One wrong move and this boy dies. You may have lied about your...change of heart, but your friend's weakness due to his injury is very real."

To everyone's surprise, however, Red Hood shrugged and leaned back, "Go ahead. You're just doing my job for me," he smirked.

"You see, beloved," Talia, pleasantly surprised, said to Batman, "Jason no longer cares for you. And no, my father is not controlling his mind. Everything he is doing is of his own will." Then, to Jason, "Finish the job. My men shall take the boy back to our base, where Ra's Al Ghul may let him live, if he is feeling merciful."

Turning towards the helicopter that had been placed next to the jet, sword in hand, Talia was about to walk out when suddenly there was a loud crack. The assassins about to grab Roy looked in shock at their leader. Meanwhile, Talia's eyes widened in anger and pain as she turned around and glared at Jason, who was holding a smoking gun in his hand.

(A/N: Cliffhanger! Well, kind of ;D Thanks again to everyone who is reading my story. Please comment to tell me what you think!)

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