Chapter 14: I Got You Buddy

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Hey guys, I know it's been a really long time since I updated this story, and I'm really sorry, but this is the last chapter! Also, I kinda forgot about Wattpad, but I'm back! So if you have any particular stories you want to read, please privately message me. :) 

*Italics means what's happening in Jason/Roy's head.

"Quit complaining and start fighting!" Red Hood shouted, pulling out his guns, "They came back for me a lot sooner than we expected them to! And this time, it looks like they want you too!"

"Wow," Arsenal commented, still firing arrow after arrow, "It's 2 of us against, like, at least 30 of them. It doesn't seem like a fair fight."

"It's not," Red Hood smirked under his helmet, "But they did have the option of leaving."


For all his cockiness, Roy knew this was one fight he and Red Hood were not going to win. Unless....
Quickly glancing at Red Hood, who was fending off assassins as fast as he could, Roy swung off of the roof and ran off, blending into the night.


Red Hood was starting to get worried as more and more assassins appeared, each as skilled as the last. I can't keep fighting them much longer, Red Hood thought as he looked over at Arsenal to see how he was doing, only to do a double take upon not seeing his friend there at all. He ditched me! Even he knows we're not gonna win, so he left me here to die, Jason thought, now losing hope.

Taking advantage of Red Hood's momentary distraction, several assassins jumped on him, ready to finish him off, while Jason desperately tried to continue shielding himself as much as he could. All of a sudden, there was a giant sound as everything started to collapse. Jason felt an agonizing pain tear through him. When he looked down to find the source of the pain, Jason saw that one of the support beams for the letters on the Wayne Industries building had broken and was speared through his chest, right between his shoulder and where he assumed his heart was. His right arm was also crushed under the giant "A".

Well, Jason thought resignedly, I guess you can only cheat death once.


Roy ran as fast as he could to his apartment, which was almost 30 blocks from Wayne Industries. As soon as he got there, he threw open the door and went to his bedroom, being careful to make as little noise as possible. Quietly, he took out a floorboard from the floor underneath his bed, and pulled out all the different bottles of beer before finally pulling out the weapons and ammunition he had stored at the very back. Looking through his supply quickly, muttering,"Where is it? Where is it?!", Roy finally found what he was looking for and ran out with it.

After running all the way back to Wayne Industries, Roy swung up onto a building next to it and looked at the object in his hands and steeled his nerves before throwing it where most of the assassins had gathered.

One of the assassins saw the object quickly yelled out a warning, "It's a bomb! It's a bomb!" However before any of them could react, the bomb exploded with a giant sound, causing everything to start to collapse. The assassins that weren't injured by the shrapnel were immobilized by the roof debris.

"We did it!" Roy whooped, turning around to grin at his best friend, when suddenly his face sobered with realization. Jason. Roy started to run towards the debris, panic overtaking his body. Oh shit, Jason! Please let him be alive. Seeing a flash of red, Roy quickly started moving the biggest pieces of debris. Please let him be alive! 

Slowly, painstakingly, Roy removed all that he could, only to stop short at the sight before him. Jason lay still, a pole through the area between his shoulder and his chest, and his arm obviously broken by the large "A" that had fallen on it. Oh no. Without wasting any time, Roy pulled out the pole from Jason's chest and ripped his sweatshirt into strips and tied it around Jason's broken arm.

He then softly put his foot on Jason's left shoulder, grabbing the pole, and pulled it out as possible, tying another piece of his sweatshirt around the wound. Jason suddenly grunted at the pain, slowly returning to consciousness. Trying to jostle his friend's injury as less as possible, Roy helped Jason up so that he was half carrying him. 

"Wha-?" Jason mumbled confusedly, still not fully conscious.

Roy adjusted Jason's position once more, reassuring him, "It's just me, Jay. We did it, we beat the League of Assassins!"

"Really?" Jason asked, somewhat incredulous. He tried to push Roy away and face him, but stumbled due to blood loss, ending up leaning heavily on Roy with his left arm.

Quickly, Roy grabbed Jason with his right arm and kept his left arm over Jason's chest wound, saying, "Hey, you're fine now. I got you, buddy."

So, what do you think? I know I left this story for a while, but do you want me to add an epilogue?

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