Chapter 9: Doubts and Second Thoughts

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Hearing this, Jason closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath, clearly in a turmoil as to what to do. Just then, there was a crash outside. Jason quickly put the jet on autopilot and grabbed his guns, going over to see what caused the noise. As he looked out the window, a plane wing crashed through the bottom of Roy's seat, leaving Roy still handcuffed, but the seat free to move about. The next attack, the engine turbine, would nearly have beheaded Jason if Roy hadn't lunged to shove him out of the way.


Jason stared at the large gash on Roy's strangely-placed leg, where the turbine had hit him.

"You...saved me," Jason said, still in shock, "But you- I-" he sighed, "You're supposed to be on Batman's side."

"Dude," Roy responded, "We're on the same side. Batman was your dad. I don't know what Ra's did to you in that room, but whatever he told you, it's wrong. Do you really not remember anything?"

Jason looked troubled, but instead of responding, he walks over to the control panel and tries to land the plane as smoothly as possible. Once the plane landed, he turned back to his friend.

"You're injured," Jason pointed out, "I'll have to bandage that, so I don't have to carry you everywhere."

"I'm fine," Roy insisted, his voice strained.

Jason crossed his arms, "You have a sprained wrist-"

"That was your fault," Roy interrupted.

Jason scowled, "You have a sprained wrist and a really big cut on your leg, not to mention your leg is probably broken."

"Fine. Whatever," Roy sighed and leaned back as best as he could, eyes closed.


"You should be able to walk now," Jason announced, standing up and untying Roy's legs, "Get up, we're going to go find another jet or something."

"Come on! I thought we agreed that I'm on your side!" Roy groaned, looking apprehensively at the gun being pointed at his head.

"I said," Jason gritted his teeth, "Get up! Before there is nothing of you left to stand. Just because you saved my life once doesn't mean I suddenly trust you and we become best friends."

"Well, I thought me saving saving you did mean you would trust me," Roy inputted, "...And we kinda are best friends. At least...we were, until Ra's messed with your head."

"No, we weren't!" Jason shot, breathing heavily, "Batman only told you to pretend to be my friend, so that he can always have an eye on me! Now, start walking and stop talking or I promise you, I will shoot."

Stunned at his friend's outburst, Roy started walking, his shoulders slumped. Man, Ra's really did a number on him. He probably used the Lazarus Pit to bring up all of Jason's doubts and hatred for Bats. How am I even supposed to fight that? Roy glanced over at his stony faced friend. Come on, Roy, you have to try! You almost got through to him on that plane, before something made his doubts come back. Besides, you owe Jason for everything he's done for you! Reinvigorated, Roy suddenly walked faster, determined to bring his friend back in whatever way possible.

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