Chapter 8: Brainwashed

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"Where are you going?" Ra's Al Ghul asked, already knowing the answer.

"To deal with Batman once and for all," Jason spat, and headed out of the room.


Roy looked over at the room Jason had followed Ra's Al Ghul into. Jason's been in there for hours. What if he's in trouble? I should go help- 

He was snapped out of his thoughts by an angry-looking Red Hood brushing past him.

"Hood, where are you going?" Arsenal demanded. Receiving no response in return, he caught up to his friend and grabbed his shoulder to get his attention.

As if he just noticed Arsenal, Red Hood looked over for a moment. Then, he grabbed Arsenal's wrist and flipped him over his shoulder. Arsenal groaned and clutched his wrist in pain, looking up at his friend with a confused expression.

"What was that for?" he hissed then suddenly sat up, his injured wrist still dangling uselessly from Jason's hand, "The Pit. Ra's did something to you, didn't he? I knew I shouldn't have let you go in there alone!"

Red Hood remained unresponsive, instead hauling his friend up and twisting his arm behind his back, while holding a gun to his head.

"March," Red Hood barked, pressing the gun into Arsenal's head.

Arsenal kept quiet and walked to the jet, deciding to talk some sense into his friend after there was no chance of Ra's interfering.


Roy sighed, slumping into his seat to try to get as comfortable as possible. Red Hood had cuffed his hands to the seat and put his weapons all on the other side of the jet, taking care to remove his mask and crush the tracker in there as well. Then, his friend removed his helmet and started the jet.

"Where're we going, Jason?" Roy asked, trying to get the silent antihero to confirm his theory about the Lazarus Pit.

Jason glanced at Roy and narrowed his eyes, "I'm going to make Batman pay for always standing in my way. Even now, I can't get the answers to my dreams because of him! And if you are going to stand in my way, I'll have to take care of you too."

Roy flinched at the sudden glare his friend gave him, then sighed, "Come on man, can't you see Ra's is playing with your head? He did something to you with the Lazarus Pit, and now you wanna kill Batman? You wanna kill me? Snap out of it, before you do something you'll regret!"

Hearing this, Jason closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath, clearly in a turmoil as to what to do. Just then, there was a crash outside. Jason quickly put the jet on autopilot and grabbed his guns, going over to see what caused the noise. As he looked out the window, a plane wing crashed through the bottom of Roy's seat, leaving Roy still handcuffed, but the seat free to move about. The next attack, the engine turbine, would nearly have beheaded Jason if Roy hadn't lunged to shove him out of the way.

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