Chapter 3: Reunions

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Here Roy was cut off by Jason collapsing, almost hitting the ground if it weren't for Arsenal. Roy took the latter's arm and put it around his shoulders, so as to support him.

"I'm taking you to Batman," he sighed, knowing Jason would probably kill him for this.


*Italics means what is going on in their head.

Roy knocked on the front door of Wayne Manor, praying some reporter wouldn't see two anti-heroes in front of the billionare's home. Wouldn't that be a field day for the press. He snorted, imagining Bruce Wayne having to explain exactly what 2 criminals were doing at his door.

"Hello Master Roy," Alfred greeted, having opened the door just then, "Oh my!" he exclaimed, seeing Jason being half-carried by Roy, "I suppose Master Jason needs medical attention. Come in, I believe you already know the way to the Batcave. I shall go fetch Master Bruce right away."

Roy quickly stepped inside with his friend, looking around the Manor in amazement before closing the door. No matter how many times I see this place, it seems enormous every time. Suddenly, he remembered his best friend leaning on his shoulders, and quickly took him down to the Batcave for medical treatment.

"What happened?" Bruce asked, or rather, demanded, as soon as Jason was safely placed on the bed. Wow. When'd he get here? Didn't Alfred say he was about to 'fetch' Bruce like, 2 seconds ago- You know what, never mind. I am not going to get into this family's weirdness.

"Um...I'm not really sure," Roy said hesitantly, "He was fine, just a little pissed off in the morning. Then, he wanted to go to the place where he died. I...think he was looking for something. Anyways, we didn't find whatever he was looking for, and he went into a side alley while I went to grab some water. When I came over to where he was, he just collapsed. He wasn't drugged, I checked, so I don't know why he passed out."

Bruce hummed to show he was listening, while running tests on his ex-partner. Finally, he turned around to face Roy.

"He is fine," Bruce announced. At this, Roy let a breath he didn't even know he'd been holding. His relief, however, was cut short when Batman continued, "But- he needs to catch up on sleep. Do you know anything about why Jason may not have been sleeping well?"

"Actually," Roy informed, "Me and Jason-"

"Jason and I," Alfred corrected, "Grammar, Master Roy."

"Anyways," Roy continued, "Jason and I were gonna come here for that. So, I'll just let him explain it you when he wakes up."


Jason groaned. Where am I? The last thing I remember is...Oh shit, I must've passed out. Okay relax, Jason. If it was the clown he probably would've woke you up with a crowbar to the head. Pretend to be asleep and listen to what they're saying so you can find out what's going on.

"Jason? Come on man, you still knocked out?" Jason heard Roy asking worriedly.

Then, Batman's voice, "Even if he was awake, he'd be pretending to still be unconscious until he was figured out, forcibly woken up, or safe. Get up Jason, I know you're awake."

Well, he's welcoming as ever. Whatever, I gotta get out of here as soon as I can. I am so gonna kill Roy for this.

Jason got up and scowled, "Why am I here?" he demanded, glaring at Roy.

Before Roy could say a single word, Batman answered, "You passed out from exhaustion. Explain."

Jason's glare transferred to Batman, who didn't seem fazed in the least, "Look, old man. I don't have to explain shit to you you why don't you go f-"

"Language, Master Jason," Alfred chided.

"What the-" Jason jumped, "When did you get here? You know what, never mind. I'm leaving now. And if you know what's good for you, Bruce, you won't stop me."

"Actually," Roy piped up, "Did you forget our deal? Cuz I'm only gonna ask Cassie out after you do your part."

"Fine," Jason gritted his teeth and looked at Batman, "I...need your help."

Just then, Nightwing came into the Batcave and saw Jason.

"Jason?" Nightwing asked, hesitantly.

"...shit," Jason muttered.

"Where have you been?" Nightwing asked, looking at Bruce for confirmation before taking a small step in his direction, "What happened?"

Jason smirked, not intending to give a straight answer, "You know, the usual. Killing bad guys, controlling drug-"

"He has not been Red Hood as often the past few weeks, and Roy brought him here after he passed out from exhaustion, so..." then, addressing Jason, "I'm guessing you've been getting nightmares more often, and they've been getting worse this last month. You came here to ask for my help to find out why, probably because you haven't had nightmares this bad in a while," Bruce deduced correctly, much to Jason chagrin.

The latter narrowed his eyes, "Whatever. You can help if you want. If not, I'm good with that. Roy and I were just leaving."

"We were?" Jason's friend exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes," Jason gritted his teeth, "We were."

"I can help," Batman spoke up again, stopping Jason in his tracks, "But I'll need to go talk to Ra's or Talia Al Ghul first."


"Is it done?" a figure asked in low voice asked.

"Yes father," the second figure bowed, "It is done."

"Good," the figure responded, letting out a malicious yet humorless chuckle, "You are dismissed. He will be arriving anytime now."

By the time the first figure had finished giving the order, the second figure had already faded into the shadows.

(A/N: I am super sorry for not posting a new chapter, but I thought this was the perfect place to stop, and that would've made the next chapter way too short. Please comment and let me know what you think!)

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