Chapter 5: Old Habits

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The figure proudly raised his head, "It's not about what I want, it's about what the Pit thinks he needs."

"You better not be lying," Batman threatened, slipping back into the shadows, "Ra's Al Ghul."


Jason growled in frustration as he paced across the Batcave. Roy looked on, alarmed, knowing that his friend was worried for the Dark Knight. It had been over 2 days and Batman still had not returned from his meeting with Ra's Al Ghul.

"Master Jason, Master Roy," Alfred called, "It is past time for you to get some much needed rest. I shall stay here and wake you if there is any news."

Jason rolled his eyes, but followed Roy to their room. In their room, he picked up his Red Hood helmet and sighed.

"I should've gone there myself. This is my problem, I don't need the old man doing it for me. Not like he helped me when I actually needed it." Jason muttered the last part.

Roy winced. That was harsh, even for Jason.

Just then, Alfred called once more, "Master Jason, it is a call from Batman!"

Jason quickly rushed back down to the Batcave and crossed his arms, glaring at the screen before him.

"Ra's Al Ghul said the Pit wants something from you, or something for you. He refused to give any more information," Batman informed. Then, he noticed Jason getting ready to go out as Red Hood.

"Stand down, soldier," Batman commanded, "You are not to go anywhere until I return. I'll be back in a few hours."

"You forgot something," said Red Hood, his smirk clearly audible, "You're not my boss anymore."

Grabbing his last gun, Hood jumped on his motorcycle and rushed out, followed closely by Arsenal.


"Uh...Hood?" Arsenal glanced nervously at the building before them, "What are we doing at Bruce Wayne's private jet area when we should be trying to get to the League of- Oh." Arsenal's eyes widened in shock as he realized what Red Hood was planning.

"Nope, nu-uh," he shook his head, backing away from the building, "We are not stealing one of Batman's private jets."

Jason chuckled, "No, we're not. We're stealing one of Bruce Wayne's privet jets. Are you in or are you out?"

Roy could swear he heard the challenge in his friend's voice, and so he nodded, "I'm in."


Jason finally made his way to one of Bruce Wayne's finest jets, and started it up. Hearing the sudden sound of an engine, the security all turned towards the source of the sound, only to be faced with Red Hood himself.

"Now!" Hood shouted, throwing a kick at one of the security guards' heads.

Arsenal grinned in anticipation at the fight and jumped in, saying, "I was wondering when you would get around to calling the life of the party.

Jason rolled his eyes, "You are so full of yourself." Just then, he grunted as received a punch to his stomach.

"Well," Red Hood said, mocking the security, "This might even be fun after all-"

He was interrupted by a huge explosion, knocking out all the security guards. Hood turned around to see Arsenal smirking, a smoking gun with knockout gas in his hands.

"Am I good or am I good ?" he bragged.

"There isn't a third option?" Red Hood snarked, putting his last gun back in his belt.

"Whatever, bucket-face," Arsenal rolled his eyes, and stepping into the plane, "Let's go already. We've got a Pit to unravel, and a mystery to solve!"

Jason stepped in as well and took off his helmet, looking at Arsenal with a curious expression, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"What?" Arsenal exclaimed, "I thought it sounded dramatic."

"Okay," Jason started up the engine, "Let's go."

 (A/N: I know I included the top picture in the conversation, but it just went so well :) Anyways, let me know what you guys think in the comments!)

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