Chapter 10: Jason's Back

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Stunned at his friend's outburst, Roy started walking, his shoulders slumped. Man, Ra's really did a number on him. He probably used the Lazarus Pit to bring up all of Jason's doubts and hatred for Bats. How am I even supposed to fight that? Roy glanced over at his stony faced friend. Come on, Roy, you have to try! You almost got through to him on that plane, before something made his doubts come back. Besides, you owe Jason for everything he's done for you! Reinvigorated, Roy suddenly walked faster, determined to bring his friend back in whatever way possible.


Jason paced back and forth, occasionally glancing over at Roy's sleeping form. I know that he's on the other side...but why isn't he trying to fight me? He could easily have escaped me by now! Even if he couldn't, I know it's not like him to not try. What if- NO. I know that all of his 'friendship' was just an act...right?

He was interrupted from his thoughts by Roy jolting awake, gasping for air. Roy wildly looked around, only calming down once he saw Jason.

Jason narrowed his eyes, "What were you doing?"

Roy looked at his friend in surprise, "Um...sleeping?" he said hesitantly.

Jason looked at him skeptically then turned away, "I have questions that you are going to answer."

"Sure, though you could've just asked nicely," Roy joked, his grin then fading at the lack of reaction.

"You are on Batman's side, right?" Jason asked.

"Yeah," Roy nodded, "But-"

Jason frowned, "Then why haven't you tried to escape yet?"

"Because I'm your friend. I have never actually worked with Batman, we're just on the 'same side', we fight the really bad guys! Same as you, right?" Roy pleaded, "Jason, even if you think I was lying about being your friend, I still couldn't have lied to you about my personality for that long, right?

"Maybe," Jason trailed off, "Quiet! I'm the one asking the questions right now!"

"Wait! Jason, please," Roy tugged at his bindings, trying to reason with his friend, "You know me. How could I have been working in secret with Batman? You know that dude freaks me out whenever I'm alone with him! The Batfamily is too creepy for me to work with them."

Jason's eyes hardened, "How do you communicate with the Bat?"

"I don't," Roy answered, "Normally you're the one who talks to Batman through your comm link. But I guess I'd use my comm link if I wanted to talk to him."

"And where is your comm link right now?" Jason asked harshly.

"I didn't bring it. Neither did you," Roy reminded him, "We didn't want Batman to track us and stop us."

Jason frowned to himself. What if he's telling the truth? He has no way to contact Batman, and clearly came without any hidden friends. This meant that he trusted me when we went to find out what the Pit wanted from me.

"Even if I did believe you," Jason suddenly spoke up, "That you are my friend and Ra's Al Ghul has somehow used the Pit to make me hate Batman and his friends, what makes you think he won't just do it again?"

Roy furrowed his eyebrows in thought, "Did you...touch the water in the Lazarus Pit?"

"Yeah," Jason nodded, "I did. I guess that's when he was able to use the Pit to affect my mind."

"Well, that was easy," Roy smirked, his face breaking into a grin as his friend laughed, "So we just have to make sure you don't touch the water again."

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you like the story so far :) Please comment and let me know what you think, and if you have any feedback or anything, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!)

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