Chapter 13: The Second Plan

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Finally losing his patience, Jason snapped, "Talia's not going to die! My shot was non-lethal. I, at least, know how keep people alive when I want to."

After this comment, the jet was silent the rest of the way. Upon reaching the Batcave, Jason jumped out of the jet and stormed off upstairs. Roy walked to the side of the Batcave and began tending to his injury while Batman began looking at something on the Batcomputer.


"Father," Talia bowed, her gunshot wound now bandaged, "Forgive me. The boy is no longer under the Pit's influence. His friend turned out to be a greater threat than we had anticipated."

"We will have to revert to the second plan," Ra's decided, "And be sure to get rid of the friend if necessary. Do not fail me again, my child."


After waiting a few hours to let Jason's anger die down, Bruce(now wearing his normal suit-and-tie attire) tentatively knocked at Jason's door. Upon receiving no answer, Bruce's eyes widened in realization as he remembered what happened every time he and Jason used to get in an argument. Quickly picking the lock and pushing the door open, Bruce was met with a confirmation of his fear when he saw an empty bed and an open window. Almost immediately, he ran back down to the Batcave and frantically looked around for Jason, hoping the boy hadn't run away.

"What happened?" a confused Roy asked, his leg now properly bandaged.

"Have you seen Jason down here?" Bruce questioned, reverting back to his Batman personality.

Roy gasped, "He ran away, huh?" he nodded, understanding the situation right away.

Bruce, now in his Batman costume, responded with nothing more than a nod as he tried to place Jason's tracker. Roy, meanwhile, already knew where his friend would be. Without notifying Batman, Roy grabbed his bow and arrows and left out the back, donning his mask on the way.


"Hey," Arsenal said, jumping over the lowest bar to sit next to Jason. He had found the latter on the middle bar of the "E" in the "Wayne Tech" sign on top of the building

"What do you want?" Jason asked, annoyed.

Arsenal pouted jokingly, "I missed you too," he laughed, then grew serious, "You know the League's gonna come back for you, right?

"I know,"Jason groaned, "But you know I had to shoot Talia. My other option was to shoot you or B like she wanted me to."


"Now!" Talia signaled, and what seemed like an army of shadows descended upon the pair sitting on Gotham's rooftops.

"Make sure you do not fail me," Talia commanded the remaining assassin beside her, and they both disappeared into the darkness.


Arsenal opened his mouth to reply, but was taken out of surprise by a kick aimed towards the small of his back.

"Jeez, what is it with everyone aiming for my back today?!" Arsenal complained, shooting an arrow and swinging over to the "N" just in time to avoid another flying assassin.

"Quit complaining and start fighting!" Red Hood shouted, pulling out his guns, "They came back for me a lot sooner than we expected them to! And this time, it looks like they want you too!"

"Wow," Arsenal commented, still firing arrow after arrow, "It's 2 of us against, like, at least 30 of them. It doesn't seem like a fair fight."

"It's not," Red Hood smirked under his helmet, "But they did have the option of leaving."

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