Chapter 2: Because We're Friends

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A/N: Please comment on my story! Also, isn't the pic above so cute? :)

*Italics mean what is going on in Jason/Roy's head.

Jason looked at Roy with an audible smirk, "No, I'll only ask the old man if you ask out Wonder Girl. I know you like her," he sing-songed. Jason expected Roy to back up now that something of his was at stake. To his surprise, however, Roy nodded.

"If that's what it takes to help you," he sighed.


Jason was shocked. Roy would risk being rejected by the girl he likes just to help me? I- i know we're friends, but why would he do that? Well, if you really wanna know, ask! Jason took a deep breath. Okay.

"Why?" he asked. 

"Why?" Roy repeated, taken aback by the question, "You mean like, why would I ask out Cassie to get you to ask Batman for help?"

Jason looked at Roy expectantly. Wow. Why would he ask that? We're friends, duh. Why else would I do that?

"Um..." Roy trailed off unsure. Then he grinned and swung an arm over Jason, "Because we're friends, dude! That what's friends do."

Unsure what else to do, Jason shoved Roy's arm off himself, "Yeah, whatever. Keep your hands off, I'm trying not to crash my favorite motorcycle."

Roy's face fell and he removed his arm, riding up ahead of Jason. And just when I thought Jason would start to open up a little more...

Shit. Jason realized, I screwed up bad. It's fine, he won't be too mad....right?


 A couple minutes later, the antiheroes reached the warehouse where Jason had died as Robin. He got off of his bike and put a hand on one wall. Seeing the place again, at such a close distance, Jason took a sharp breath. God. It's like I never died, like the whole thing never happened. Seriously though, did you actually expect Bruce to leave it there? You were his greatest failure. Why would he keep a blown up warehouse there to remind him of that? Shut up! He cares about you, but this is Gotham. By rebuilding it into something else, Bruce Wayne made sure some other criminal lowlife can't turn this place into their headquarters.

"-ood? Hood!" Roy's calling snapped him out of his mental battle.

"What?" Jason asked, slightly annoyed.

Roy frowned, "You good, man? You've been spacing out on me all day!"

"Yeah, I'm good," Jason grumbled.

Roy raised an eyebrow, "Sure, 'cuz you're the very definition of good," he snipped, getting a half-hearted glare in response, before they both cracked up.

(A/N: This part wasn't that important to the story, but I think it's really important to show Red Hood and Arsenal's friendship.)


After looking all around and inside the warehouse, now a children's hospital (courtesy of Gotham's very own White Knight: Bruce Wayne), Red Hood still couldn't find anything which would show the reason for his dreams coming back. He headed towards an alley to the side and let out a frustrated growl before punching the wall. Ouch, maybe I shouldn't have done that. He looked at his glove, knowing his hand was probably bleeding now.

"Yo, where are you?" he heard Arsenal ask, but he felt way too tired to respond. Taking off his helmet, Jason leaned against the wall, the front part of his hair falling into his face. As if in slow motion, Jason saw his best friend approach him.

"Damn," Roy looked at Jason, taking a step towards his friend, "Dude, you look like-"

Here Roy was cut off by Jason collapsing, almost hitting the ground if it weren't for Arsenal. Roy took the latter's arm and put it around his shoulders, so as to support him.

"I'm taking you to Batman," he sighed, knowing Jason would probably kill him for this. 

(A/N: Sorry the chapter is so short, I just had to leave it here. do you like it so far? Any requests?)

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