Chapter 12: Back to the Batcave

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(A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting last week, so I'm going to post 2 chapters this week. Anyways, enjoy!)

Turning towards the helicopter that had been placed next to the jet, sword in hand, Talia was about to walk out when suddenly there was a loud crack. The assassins about to grab Roy looked in shock at their leader. Meanwhile, Talia's eyes widened in anger and pain as she turned around and glared at Jason, who was holding a smoking gun in his hand.


"Dude!" Roy gaped at his friend, "What the hell was that?! I mean, it was great, but you know what happens if Talia dies, right?"

Red Hood groaned, "Yeah, I know. The League of Assassins join the 'Kill Arsenal And Red Hood' club. But she'll be fine! They have the Lazarus Pit, remember?"

Arsenal rolled his eyes, "As if you'd let me forget."

"Silence!" Talia commanded, trying to stop the blood loss with one hand and leaning on an assassin with another, "Come, we shall return to the base. We shall decide what to do about this once this wound is treated." The assassins nodded, and one of them rolled something towards the injured Roy's feet. 

"Watch out!" Red Hood warned almost instantly, yanking his friend out of the way as the object exploded, knocking the trio to the ground. When the smoke cleared, the assassins were nowhere to be seen and Jason's helmet had been knocked off.

"Good to have you back to yourself, Jaybird," Roy smirked, offering Jason a hand.

"Likewise," Jason grinned, pulling himself up.

(A/N: I normally hate author's notes in the middle of story, but I just had to say: I really loved this scene when I saw the picture at the top, so I had to add it in the story.)

Just then, Batman spoke up, "We need to talk. In the jet, now," he commanded, glaring at the pair.


"...we're all a target! What you did wasn't being brave, it was reckless and irresponsible!" Batman had been chewing out Jason and Roy for the past 15 minutes.

Finally losing his patience, Jason snapped, "Talia's not going to die! My shot was non-lethal. I, at least, know how keep people alive when I want to."

After this comment, the jet was silent the rest of the way. Upon reaching the Batcave, Jason jumped out of the jet and stormed off upstairs. Roy walked to the side of the Batcave and began tending to his injury while Batman began looking at something on the Batcomputer.


"Father," Talia bowed, her gunshot wound now bandaged, "Forgive me. The boy is no longer under the Pit's influence. His friend turned out to be a greater threat than we had anticipated."

"We will have to revert to the second plan," Ra's decided, "And be sure to get rid of the friend if necessary. Do not fail me again, my child."

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