Chapter 26 - To Substitute

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The door was abruptly slammed open.

Nagisa stepped inside, cold sweat drenching the back of his shirt. "Karma, are you okay?" As he said those words, Nagisa quickly stepped inside of the dark room and flicked the lights on. A luminous light glowered in the room, instantly purifying the darkness.

The blue haired teacher took a moment to register the sight he caught. He stiffened on the spot.


The said person was resting on the table, with the energy completely drained from him. His red haired head laid on the surface of the table, and his eyes were lifeless. Nagisa hurried to his side and shook him harshly. "Wake up, Karma! You're okay, right?"

Karma did not answer. His mouth opened, wanting to say something. Nothing came out.

"Answer me!" Nagisa had a bright idea. He prepared his two small hands, and slapped them against Karma's cheeks. Instantly, the red haired man snapped out of it. He frowned, "I'm okay, Nagisa. I was just messing with you! You didn't have to slap me."

Nagisa flushed red from embarrassment. He shrank back from Karma's side. "I was just... worried."

Karma chuckled at his lover's dear expression. "It's good to know that you won't completely abandon me."

"Shut up." Nagisa snapped. "You shouldn't play tricks like that again. I was so scared."

Karma almost blurted out laughing from Nagisa's seriousness. He winced, "Don't tell me to 'shut up', Nagisa... you hurt my feelings."

The corner of Nagisa's mouth twitched. The blue-haired teacher quickly recovered from his earlier panic and nudged Karma by the elbow. "But seriously, Karma. What's up? You seem really down." Nagisa could sense Karma's depression. The red haired teacher seemed unlike himself.

Karma smiled. "Aww... Nagisa cares about little ol' me."

Nagisa's eyes faltered for a second there. He bit his bottom lip. "I mean... Karma, you can tell me anything. We are boyfriends, aren't we?"

The eyebrows of Karma had raised up in surprise. A satisfied smile bloomed on Karma's face. "It's my class. They're quite annoying at times."


And so, Nagisa was substituting for Class 3-1. He felt awkward, being stared at by such mischievous students that differed from Class 3-5. Class 3-5 was a class of students that were unrecognized by one another. Class 3-1 was a class that were recognized and lazed around.

Seeing how many students that rolled their eyes at Nagisa, the blue haired teacher felt seriously offended. However, he pushed that disgusting emotion aside and straightened his back.

"Good morning, class." He smiled.

The group of students only groaned at the sight of him.

Nagisa didn't take it to heart and began the lesson. "Today, we will be learning about how to behave like a civilized human being." Every word he spoke was like an arrow piercing the student's heart. "Additionally, I will be teaching the aspects of online hate, verbal abuse, neglect, and how to properly respond to them. Any questions?"

A student raised up a hand. "Shiota-Sensei, are you purposely provoking us?"

Nagisa raised an eyebrow. "Why do you think I think that? Is there something I should be aware of?"

Abruptly, the atmosphere dropped a few degrees. The students of Class 3-1 shuddered and they quickly shushed the student who rose their hand.

Nagisa smiled with satisfaction and quickly pulled out a laptop.

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