Chapter 15 - Pretty Flowers

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     "Huh? You'll finally give us a study hall?" The news had alarmed Class 3-5. It was an unprecedented predicament for the students, who knew that Shiota-Sensei was always a responsible teacher who wants the best or his students. So what could be his reason for this sudden change?

     "Huh? I thought you guys loved study halls!" Nagisa had batted his eyes tauntingly at the front of the classroom.

     "Of course we did, but... the midterms are coming up so we were expecting something more hardcore." Akio admitted with the others nodding along with him. "Oh ho ho!" Nagisa taunted furthermore. "You guys want more homework? How stubborn! I still remember how on the first day, you threatened to kill me."

     "Shut up! That was in the past," Akio blushed.

     "Alright then." Nagisa concluded. "Let the study hall begin!"

Just after he declared that statement, his students had began... what Nagisa calls a 'mess'. They had picked up their desks and plopped it in front of their friend's, talking about how their weekend had been and all other non-educational wise subjects. Such as painting their nails, the new mall opening up, or finding a new love interest. Either way, it clearly agitated Nagisa. He didn't ask for them to pull out their phones and take selfies, he asked them to study by themselves.

But a few of the students had pulled out their textbooks and began studying. Those students were...

Akio Akatsuki. Rikka Arima. Izumi Asato. Reiji Chiba. Naoko Fujisaki. Yoko Harukawa. Tomohiro Higuchi. Tomomi Higuchi. Haruhi Ito. And Kana Kai. Those ten students had deserved to give themselves a round of an applause... Nagisa had sighed.

Quickly scanning over their shoulders as he walked past, he noticed Akio finally starting to stop skipping questions. Instead of giving up immediately at first sight, he tried his best and worked his mind. Rikka stopped getting distracted by her phone, and she even stopped searching for 'hot anime guys'.

Izumi had actually took Nagisa's advice and sorted out his study notes neatly. He even drew some photos next to the notes for a better understatement. Reiji improved on socializing with others. He wasn't too shy or didn't withdraw when asking for help. Naoko stopped picking on those littler than her. Instead, she wholly focused on her own task and didn't impede/bother anyone else.

Yoko had actually set her eyes on the pages, which gave Nagisa a warm settling sensation resting on his chest. It was nice. The Higuchi twins weren't cracking a joke anymore. They didn't intervene with anyone else. Haruhi and Kana were helping each other by correcting their answers and giving feedback on how to improve.

Nagisa smiled. I'm glad I have such wonderful students.


     "So, Nagisa? You still think your students can beat mine?" Karma had poked his head around the corner of Nagisa's classroom's doorway. "Of course." Nagisa frowned. For some unknown reason, Karma, aka Akabane-Sensei was looking quite cheerful to see Nagisa, though the bluehead didn't notice in the faintest. In fact, he was so focused on getting his class their well-deserved good grades that Karma's feelings were still unknown to him.

     "I've heard that there is a flower garden nearby this school! Would you like to accompany me after school?" Karma asked. Nagisa sat still on his desk, not moving in the slightest.


     "Great! Should we go to your apartment after it?"

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