Chapter 17 - Delinquent Romance [Part 2]

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"Got it, Shiota-Sensei." Yoshiki exclaimed, with a hint of pride uniting in his voice.

For once, Nagisa noticed the small spark glistening within Yoshiki's grey eyes, unearthing itself like a magnificent beam of light. Gasps surrounded the stage like a swarm of pests—encaging a well-deserved feast. "You're ready to start." Nagisa began, comfort indulging in his voice.

Then, Yoshiki darted towards his teacher.

Fists—he clenched his fists tightly and had abruptly thrown them towards Nagisa, who had lightly shoved the punches aside with a hand. "See? Is Yoshiki-kun violent?" Nagisa shouted, his voice echoing in the gymnasium. Many unsure shakings of the head had filed in the room, with wary eyes possessing the student's expressions.

"Then how is he soft and sweet?" A taunting voice chirped amongst the crowd.

Nagisa dodged another punch before answering, "let me tell everyone a secret. I just so happened to find a very eye-catching pattern on his socks. Sweet little watermelons with happy smiles."

Snickers had piled in the room. "Oh, but that's not all. Inside his backpack—there is a small keychain of a blushing emoji."

A flustered expression had embodied Yoshiki's face, while his movements and punches grew sluggish and slow. "Does anyone still believe such a sweet guy could be behind the school's graffiti arts and spray paint pranks?" Nagisa questioned. A choir of 'no' had thundered in the gymnasium, echoing like a boomerang whipping back to its destination.

     A smile plastered over Nagisa's face, and inevitably, Karma found his cheeks heating up.


"Well done, Shiota-Sensei!" The students of Class 3-5 had overwhelmed their teacher with applauses of praise, and hoots from the Higuchi twins. A pair of prideful cerulean blue eyes had shone from Shiota-Sensei, who wore a kind smile. Sometimes, he'd dart Yoshiki a 'did I do good' look, but Yoshiki would only respond with a shy pout.

     "Yoshiki-kun, please stay after the lesson for me." Nagisa said.

     The attention had drawn towards Yoshiki, who darted his gaze towards the surface of his desk. None of the students had questioned the sudden announcement to the victimized delinquent. Instead, a taunting smile had crept onto their lips.

     The lesson had ended faster than expected, with anticipation on the rise.

     Class 3-5 had left the classroom as if they knew what was about to happen. "Sit in front of me." Nagisa patted towards the spare seat in front of his desk. Yoshiki did as he was told. "What do you need from me again, Shiota-Sensei?" Yoshiki asked. His grey eyes weren't as dull as before, and they had a new glisten.

"Hmm? Oh, I was just curious about a few things." Nagisa began. "For example, I heard you belong to a family of muscle trainers, but when I was dodging your punches earlier, they barely seemed to be full of any energy."

     Nagisa lifted Yoshiki's arm from across the table and examined it. "For example, your arm's practically scrawny."

     "That's because..." Yoshiki darted an embarrassed look towards the table. "Ever since the incident, I haven't trained for ages. My parents managed to forgive me eventually, but I'm afraid they'll hate me if I begin training my muscles once again. So... I guess I've gone back to start."

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