Chapter 12 - Sixth Student

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     Even though he knew that his class was writing their hearts away at their newly given pop quiz, Nagisa couldn't help but continue glance over at the empty seat. Yoko Harukawa, the sixth student on my attendance. She was absent for the third time in a row. And he realized that her earlier years' absences were all basically a winning streak, with some occasions of attending school.

He sighed at his desk, almost collapsing and falling over onto the floor. I guess I'll just have to go visit her.


K n o c k K n o c k K n o c k

Nagisa had knocked many times on the door, but it didn't seem anyone would open it for him. Finally, with one last attempt, he called out, "Is Miss Yoko-san home? I'm her teacher, and I need to give her homework for the day,"

And just like that, the door swung open.

     And Yoko was standing there with a heavy blush coated on her cheeks as Nagisa realized she was wearing pyjamas with a green and white striped shirt and pink loose pants. She had chestnut brown wavy hair laid out on her sides and her caramel eyes were indeed attractive. Nagisa sighed. But no. He can't get sidetracked.

"Hello, Miss Yoko-san. Are you feeling okay? I heard from the school that you've been absent for about... five days in a row or almost. I came over to give you your homework for all the lessons you've missed," Nagisa had a stack of paper clutched in his wide open hands, but Yoko didn't reach out to it. Instead, she seemed ready to slam the doors on her teacher.

"I don't want it." She fumed.

"Huh? Oh, but it won't be fair if only you don't get homework while everyone else does so-"

He was cut off by a hysterical scream from Yoko. "You think I care whether or not about the equality between me and my classmates!?!"

"Actually, it's 'my classmates and I', but I'll let it slide." Nagisa corrected.

"Hah? So what! You don't need to teach me anything!" Yoko frowned. "So? How are you going to get by in life then?"

"Huh? Oh, you just subtract work from my life, and then add vacations and beach parties and-"

"Do you really think your parents will borrow you all that money?" Nagisa cut her off this time. "For your information, many parents out in this world have troubles just to get enough money to have a cheap meal. It isn't okay to take things for granted. Once the things you're used to are gone, you'll understand what I'm talking about."


The next day, Yoko had returned to school. And she didn't argue whenever Nagisa handed out homework. In fact, she didn't fight back. But, she had told Nagisa something really important. And he never forgot it.

     "Shiota-Sensei, I have asthma."

     Nagisa had glanced up from his desk to look at Yoko with a sincere smile. "I'm afraid I'll have to skip gym class if I don't want any risk of breaking out in cold sweat."

     "Actually..." Nagisa snapped his book shut. "You don't need to skip gym class. Just don't push yourself too hard, 'kay?"

     Yoko took some time to stare at Shiota-Sensei. He truly had an innocent look in his eyes, and his roundabout cheeks were similar to a chubby chipmunk. It looked so gentle and sweet, Yoko couldn't possibly rebuttal anything. "Kay..." She sighed, wandering off.

     How can my teacher be so deadly but sweet at the same time! She wandered off furiously.

     But her cheeks grew hot and burned aflame as she continuously thought about her teacher. Yeah. He's not so bad. Whenever I told my old teachers that I have asthma, they look at me like I have some contagious virus. But he's different. He doesn't give up. He doesn't voluntarily lose. He... sees me for who I am. Probably.


"Shiota-Sensei!" Naoko had raised a hand. Nagisa nodded. "Yes, Naoko-san?"

"What is your relationship with Akabane-Sensei?"

Nagisa blinked. "What do you mean by that? We were best friends since junior high."

"So..." Rikka raised a hand too. "You don't know about how Akabane-Sensei feels about you?"

"How he feels about me? What?" Nagisa muffled a chuckle. His students clearly did not understand what they were saying. Yoko gave them a sideways glance. Who was this Akabane-Sensei anyways?

"Class, Get back to work please. Midterms are coming up and I plan on showing off my children's marks off to my parents as a proud teacher!" Nagisa proudly stated. "We're not your children, but okay." Izumi had announced, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

     "All they ever talk about is Akabane-Sensei and Akabane-Sensei and Akabane-Sensei... is there something wrong about me or am I just not their preference?" Nagisa mumbled on to himself as he laid back at his teacher's desk.

His students noticed his slight grumbling and giggled to themselves. Shiota-Sensei really has no clue.

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