Chapter 4 - Gamer's Fetish

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You normally wouldn't expect a delinquent boy to change so much overall. Like they wouldn't have an entirely new appearance, and they wouldn't have an entirely new attitude/personality. But it happened. Akio was wearing a smile on his face. And Nagisa noticed many girls around him.

Great. He's going to be a playboy sometime soon.

"Thank you so much for your suggestion yesterday! Everything worked out and they've resolved it nicely!" Akio thanked. "Ahh, it's fine. Now let's get into class, alright?" Nagisa said, gesturing towards the Class 3-5 classroom door. Akio had nodded excitedly, skipping into the classroom. It was like the boy wasn't even himself anymore.

     Nagisa walked to the front of the classroom after closing the door slowly. "Good morning, class." He spoke, but no eyes were on him. Instead, they were all fixated on Akio, who was shining brighter and warmer than the sun. "Class?" Nagisa asked. Nobody turned to look at him. They were so focused on the ball of sunshine, Nagisa somehow felt offended. "Class?"

     Before Nagisa could spill any bloodlust, a hand raised up in the air. "Shiota-Sensei!"

     It was Rikka. She had an exhilarating expression that Nagisa couldn't really understand. "Yes?" He asked, relief spreading through his mind. "What happened to Akio-kun? All of a sudden, he turned away from his emo phase."

     "Rikka! It is not an emo phase! I'm just feeling a whole lot better than yesterday!" Akio argued.

     "Ahh, right. You're feeling better, so now you think you can show off your looks?" Rikka shot back. "Rikka-san? I don't think that's what Akio-san intends to do here-"

     "Is it wrong to be so hot?" Akio shot back, interrupting Nagisa along the way. Many girls began giggling over the commotion, while Nagisa refrained himself from yelling. "Class, settle down please. I'm sure Akio has his reasons for acting this way, but I'd like to go over yesterday's homework. If you'd all turn to page three, it'd be splendid." Nagisa recaptured everyone else's attention.

     "Fine..." Groans and mutters enveloped the classroom. "Thanks. You can continue during break."


      It was frustrating for Nagisa. Not because Akio was more handsome than him, but rather because it seems like none of his students seem to need him anymore. It was sort of like throwing away an old but precious doll. "Wah... they don't need me anymore... is this how parents feel after their children grow up and move out?" Nagisa questioned himself as he stared at the Sakura trees.

     Though he was happy for Akio's growth, it was way too sudden. Nagisa watched some students spending their break gawking over the Sakura trees, reminding him of yesterday. Karma called me beautiful...

     He let himself overcome by a drowsiness of embarrassment as he held his cheeks with the palms of his hands. "Good to be young, those young folks." Nagisa sighed.


     Nagisa almost fell out from the window from the loud ruckus out in the hall, with his heart thumping from the relentless surprise. "Yes? Come in..." Nagisa clenched his heart dramatically before letting his hands drop back to his sides. Rikka had piled in the classroom with a determined look on her face, only confusing Nagisa furthermore.

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