chapter 32- recovery

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pov: mark

"you injured your head badly in the accident but we repaired that in surgery. your memory loss when you woke up is a little concerning, so we're gonna keep you here another day for observation. after that you can recover from home!" amelia cheerfully told lexie and i. i smiled and she walked out.
"how you feeling?" i asked lexie pointing to her stomach. she's 30 weeks now and should be do in the next few months.
"they won't stop kicking. could you talk to them?" she laughed.

"hey xander, hey caroline! i'm your dad and i can't wait until you're born. you're gonna love your mom. she has the prettiest smile and the calmest eyes," i looked up at lexie. "is it working?"
"yeah. yeah it is actually," she laughed.

pov: lexie

i don't want to leave his side. i want to be here with him and make sure nothing happens. i'm scared every minute of every day because i know his heart could just stop beating.

the next mark was discharged. "you ready?" i asked.
"yeah. let's go home," he smiled. as we walked out into the main lobby everyone was there. "what are you all doing here?" mark exclaimed. derek put his hand on mark's shoulder.
"did you really think we'd let you go without sending you off first?" he laughed.
"i'll bring sofia over tonight because she's really missed you, get better and get back to work!" callie told him as she approached us.
"grey i'll give you some time off. come back when you're ready sloan!" owen sighed. then mark and i left.

slexie: survival of the plane crash ✈️ 💥 Where stories live. Discover now