Chapter 13: Sorry

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I decided to walk home for once and well lets just say that people kept on staring at me or asking for a selfie with me, it was wired I wasn't used to all of the attention. While walking I saw a small little park there were a couple of kids playing on it and some kids leaving and the sun was setting so it made the park look beautiful. "Mabey I can bring Eri here next time." I said quietly to myself and lay my hands on my bump. The park was close to out home so ill be sure to bring her here next time. I also smiled at the thought of being able to bring my own children here one day.

 I also smiled at the thought of being able to bring my own children here one day

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I sat on the bench and watched the sun set. I'm not sure how long I was there but by the time I left the park it was now night time the streets weren't busy and there weren't a lot of people out anymore. I'm not sure where I was going but I some how ended up in front of Alexa's apartment, now that I think about it I haven't heard from her in a while, and it doesn't look like she's home either. So I called her but she didn't pick up so I sent her a text telling her that I would drop by tomorrow after my next doctor's appointment and that we could get lunch tomorrow. I decided that I would fly the rest of the way home since it was getting late and figured that Keigo was probably losing his mind since I'm always home when he gets off of work plus I forgot to tell him that I decided to go for a little walk. Oops, I just pray that he isn't gonna go and bother Aizawa about me being missing.

I've always liked flying it always made me fell free and made me forget about reality for a little bit, a way to escape my head and what ever was going on in my life. But now I felt like I was rushing home to a crying chicken at home, and an angry demon telling me to hurry up cause Keigo wouldn't shut up. What happened well I was flying up in the air and saw a stand selling some candy apples and bought some and then I got a text from Aizawa.

Aizawa: Where are you?

Y/n: I'm buying some candy apples I thought I could give one to Eri as well. Why?😐

Aizawa: Hurry up and get him back so I can sleep.

Y/n: Get who?


Y/n: Why is he crying?😢

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Y/n: Why is he crying?😢

Aizawa: Because your "Missing".

***Aizawa is offline***

Now I it was like a race against time, not only because Keigo was crying but I was mostly afraid of what Aizawa would do to me if I didn't hurry up. Why, well that's because he is scary when he is pissed off, and I don't wanna be one of those people who pissed him off. I saw it happen one time with Bakugo. It felt like he was gonna die it was that scary that, without me knowing my wings started to wrap me up like a ball. I still have nightmares to this day.

It took me exactly 7 minuets to fly there and all I see is a big crybaby and a slightly pissed of Aizawa and Eri trying to get cheer up Keigo. "Keigo." As soon as I said that he looked up at me and ran to me. It took me a while to get him to stop crying. "I'm so sorry Aizawa, how about I make you dinner as an apologies." "Whatever." I told Keigo to go back home and to clean himself up, and then I went to the kitchen and surprisingly it wasn't full of junk food like ramen or something like that.

 "Can I help y/n-chan?" Eri pulled up a chair so that she could see. "Sure, what should we made?" I looked around to see what we could make. "I want breakfast for dinner." "Sure I don't see why not just go tell Aizawa that were doing breakfast." She hoped down and ran to the living room, while I started preparing the ingredient's.

Soon Eri came back running in with a small little light blue apron. We decided to make some regular pancakes and we also made some little bear pancake's for Eri. First we made the batter an while Eri was string it I was cutting some strawberry's and washed some blueberry's as well. Once we were done making and decorating the pancakes I couldn't help but to take a picture and posted it in my Instagram. Soon Keigo came back and Eri went to go wake up Aizawa. 

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Once we were done eating and I had cleaned up the mess I had gave Eri the candy apple that I had, she was so cute her face lit up

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Once we were done eating and I had cleaned up the mess I had gave Eri the candy apple that I had, she was so cute her face lit up. "You know Aizawa I can take care of Eri for you tomorrow if you want since I wont be at work tomorrow." I could tell that Aizawa just wanted to sleep already and if I'm being honest if I could I would let him sleep for a whole day, but at the same time I would never let him sleep. I wanna know how he would act if he didn't get a signal sleep for 24 hours. "Ya sure Ill drop her off before I go to work." "Okay see ya tomorrow."




(Words 1035)

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